Describes an innovative concept of examination and treatment technique. A controversial book which broadens the horizons of manual therapy to embrace adverse tension in the nervous system. Clinical reasoning processes are associated with a new understanding of the nervous system as a dynamic continuum. He introduces new tension tests and refined versions of standard tests.
Introduction. Towards a Multifactorial Approach PART I the BASIS for ADVERSE NEURAL TENSION: Functional Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System. Clinical Neurobiomechanics. Pathological Processes. The Clinical Consequences of Injury to the Nervous System PART II EXAMINATION: Clinical Reasoning. Examination of Nerve Conduction. Tension Testing. The Lower Limbs and Trunk. Tension Testing. The Upper Limbs. Application, Analysis and Further Testing PART III TREATMENT and TREATMENT POTENTIAL: Treatment. Self Treatment PART IV SELECTED DISORDERS and CASE STUDIES: Adverse Neural Tension Disorders Centred in the Limbs. Adverse Neural Tension Disorders Based on the Spinal Canal. Selected Case Studies Courses. Index
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