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ICRP Publication 82: Protection of the Public in Situations of Prolonged Radiation Exposure
Annals of the ICRP Volume 29/1-2
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ICRP Publication 82 addresses the general application of the ICRP System of Protection to the control of prolonged exposures resulting from practices and to the undertaking of interventions in prolonged exposure situations. It also recommends generic reference levels for such interventions. The report considers some issues that have been of concern, including natural radiation sources that may cause high doses; restoration and rehabilitation of sites where radioactive substances have been handled or used; the return to normality following an accident that has released radioactive substances; and the global marketing of commodities for public consumption that contain radioactive substances. Annexes provide some examples of prolonged exposure situations and describe the radiological protection quantities, radiation-induced health effects, and aspects of the ICRP System of Protection relevant to prolonged exposure.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2000
- Numer wydania
- 1
- Oprawa
- miękka foliowana
- Waga (g)
- 159
- Preface. Executive Summary.
1. Introduction.
1.1. Background information. 1.2. Prolonged exposure. 1.3. Objective. 1.4. Scope. 1.5. Basic framework.
2. Application of the System of Radiological Protection to Practices Resulting in Prolonged Exposure.
2.1. Justifying practices involving prolonged exposure. 2.2. Optimising protection for sources delivering prolonged exposure. 2.3. Limiting individual doses attributable to prolonged exposure.
3. Application of the System of Radiological Protection to Intervention in Prolonged Exposure Situations.
3.1. Justifying intervention in prolonged exposure situations. 3.2. Optimising protective actions in prolonged exposure situations. 3.3. Specific reference levels for interventions in prolonged exposure situations.
4. Generic Reference Levels of Existing Annual Dose for Intervention in Prolonged Exposure Situations.
4.1. Recommended generic reference levels for intervention. 4.2. Perspectives on the recommended generic levels for intervention.
5. Application of the Recommendations to Specific Prolonged Exposure Situations.BR>
5.1. Consideration of high levels of prolonged exposure to natural background radiation. 5.2. Long-lived radioactive residues in human habitats. 5.3. Discontinuation of intervention after an accident. 5.4. Radioactive substances in commodities.
6. Outlook.
6.1. Summary of the quantitative recommendations. 6.2. Demonstration of compliance.
Annex A::
Some Prolonged Exposure Situations.
Annex B::
Radiological Protection Quantities in the Context of Prolonged Exposures.
Annex C::
Radiation Health Effects in the Context of Prolonged Exposure.
Annex D::
The System of Protection in the Context of Prolonged Exposure.
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