Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation :: An Interdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning Approach provides an overview of the latest techniques, management strategies and technology surrounding the clinical use of ECMO. This interdisciplinary book reviews the most common scenarios of ECMO in 62 chapters exploring the conditions and problems arising in ECMO practice. Each chapter begins with a stem case, followed by open questions to encourage critical thinking and enable the reader to follow the management strategies of the authors, who are world leaders in the field. Followed by an evidence-based discussion, each chapter concludes with multiple-choice questions for self-assessment. This book is current in its knowledge of organ systems and management and keeps pace with new ECMO technology and surgical techniques coupled with current guidelines formanagement. Starting with the history of ECMO to technical aspects, circuit biocompatibility and interaction with blood, drugs and flow physics, the volume continues into pediatric and adult sections, focussing on both respiratory and cardiovascular support, followed by a section on trauma. The volume then concludes with a section on neurologic complications and ethics, as well as rehabilitation and ambulation of ECMO patients. In addition, to reflect the current global health situation, this book alsoincludes a chapter on ECMO management in patients suffering with COVID-19, to cover the most urgent and pressing questions around ECMO during the ongoing pandemic. This is the first ECMO book on the market to utilise a problem-based learning approach and as such is an important unprecedented project on ECMO education.
HISTORY OF ECMO; 1 From the first ECMO patient into the future; TECHNICAL AND PROGRAMMATIC ASPECTS OF ECMO; 2 Development and staffing of an ECMO service; 3 ECMO configurations and cannulation in pediatric patients; 4 ECMO configurations and cannulation in adult patients; 5 The ECMO circuit and trouble shooting; 6 Echocardiography in the management of ECMO patients; 7 Airway management in ECMO patients; 8 Acute renal failure and renal replacement therapy in ECMO patients; 9 Ambulance ground transportation of ECMO patients; 10 Fixed-wing and helicopter air transport of ECMO patients; 11 Implications and experiences with long run ECMO; ECMO BLOOD INTERACTION; 12 The unholy blood - biomaterial interaction in extracorporeal; 13 Heparin anticoagulation for Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation on ECMO; 14 Bivalirudin for alternative anticoagulation in heparin induced thrombocytopenia during ECMO; 15 Argatroban for anticoagulation in pediatric and adult ECMO; 16 ECMO transfusion and coagulation management; PHARMACOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR ECMO; 17 Pharmacological considerations for analgesia and sedation of ECMO; 18 Challenges of antimicrobial therapy in ECMO patients; 19 Vasopressor and inotropic support in ECMO patients with refractory shock; ECMO IN NEONATAL AND PEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY DISEASE; 20 ECMO for Meconium Aspiration Syndrome; 21 ECMO for neonatal pulmonary hypertension and associated; 22 ECMO in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia; 23 Evidence and management of rare presentations in neonatal ECMO; 24 ECMO for the pediatric patient with Status Asthmaticus; 25 ECMO for pediatric pneumonia and sepsis; 26 ECMO in pediatric lung transplantation; 27 Weaning and decannulation of neonatal and pediatric respiratory ECMO support; ECMO IN NEONATAL AND PEDIATRIC CARDIAC DISEASE; 28 ECMO in pediatric patients with univentricular circulation; 29 ECMO in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease; 30 Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children; 31 ECMO as a bridge to pediatric heart transplantation; 32 Weaning and decannulation of pediatric cardiac ECMO; ECMO IN ADULT RESPIRATORY DISEASE; 33 Veno-venous ECMO for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome; 34 Extracorporeal CO2 removal to enhance protective ventilation in ARDS; 35 ECMO in Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV); 36 ECMO in SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) patients; 37 ECMO in pregnancy and the peripartum patient; 38 ECMO in sickle cell disease and acute chest syndrome; 39 ECMO for severe respiratory failure secondary to HIV infection; 40 Bicaval dual lumen ECMO cannulation for lung transplantation; 41 Weaning and liberation from V-V ECMO; ECMO IN ADULT CARDIAC DISEASE; 42 ECMO support for adults with congenital heart disease; 43 ECMO for myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock; 44 ECMO support for patients with myocarditis; 45 Left ventricular venting strategies during ECMO support; 46 ECMO support for patients with major aortic surgery or dissection; 47 Mechanical support for post-cardiotomy right ventricular failure; 48 ECMO for the complicated post-cardiotomy cardiac arrest; 49 ECMO for accidental hypothermia and cardiorespiratory arrest; 50 ECMO support for pulmonary embolism; 51 Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adults; 52 Bridging from ECMO to durable left ventricular assist device; 53 ECMO in the management of heart transplantation; 54 Weaning and liberation from V-A ECMO; ECMO IN THE ADULT TRAUMA PATIENT; 55 ECMO for hemorrhagic shock after blunt trauma; 56 ECMO in patients with burn and smoke inhalation injury; REHABILITATION, NEUROLOGICAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS OF ECMO; 57 ECMO in the awake patient, early extubation and physical rehabilitation; 58 Neurodevelopmental outcome after pediatric cardiac ECMO support; 59 Neurologic complications in adult ECMO; 60 Management of ECMO complicated by intracranial hemorrhage; 61 Neurological monitoring and determination of brain death in ECMO; 62 Ethical considerations for ECMO initiation and end-of-life care;
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