In this issue of Psychiatric Clinics, guest editors Drs. Louis J. Marino, Jr. and George Zubenko bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Geriatric Psychiatry. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as insomnia and sleep disorders in older adults; substance use disorders in the elderly; comorbidity and management of concurrent psychiatric and medical disorders; mood disorders in the elderly; cognitive impairment in the elderly; and more.
The Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2 Infection and Pandemic on Mental Health and Brain Function in the Elderly COVID-19: Brain Effects Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment Pathophysiology of Alzheimers Disease Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Dementia Psychotic Disorders in the Elderly: Diagnosis, Epidemiology, and Treatment Substance Use Disorders in the Elderly Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders in Older Adults Psychopharmacology in the Elderly: Why Does Age Matter? Comorbidity and Management of Concurrent Psychiatric and Medical Disorders Geriatric Psychiatry Across the Spectrum: Medical Student, Resident, and Fellow Education
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