More than 50 individual entities are classified as sleep disorders. Many other medical and psychiatric conditions can produce disturbed sleep as a secondary manifestation. Disordered sleep can be manifested by insomnia, excessive sleepiness, and atypical motor or behavioral events occurring in a particular relationship to sleep states or sleep-wake transitions. Because patients subjective reports of sleep quality and quantity are often incorrect, an accurate diagnosis usually comes after physical exam, history taking, and laboratory analysis.
Dr. Culebras writes a readable and concise manual for the non-expert. The emphasis is on diagnosis, tests, management, and follow-up, and does not include extensive information on the biology of sleep or technical descriptions of the laboratory techniques.
Contents: Introduction and Overview of Sleep Medicine; The Biology of Sleep; Cardinal Manifestations, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Evaluation of Sleep Disorders; Polysomnography; Insomnia; Primary Hypersomnias; Sleep Apnea Syndromes; Sleep Disorders Associated with Psychiatric, Medical, and Neurologic Disorders; Disorders of the Circadian Rhythm; Parasomnias and Motor Disorders of Sleep; Sleep in Infancy, Childhood, and Youth; Sleep in Old Age; General Management and Therapy of Sleep Disorders; Sociopathology, Medicolegal, and Work Related Issues; Organization of a Sleep Center and Laboratory; Glossary, Index
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