Spirituality and Psychiatry addresses the crucial but often overlooked relevance of spirituality to mental well-being and psychiatric care. This updated and expanded second edition explores the nature of spirituality, its relationship to religion, and the reasons for its importance in clinical practice. Contributors discuss the prevention and management of illness, and the maintenance of recovery. Different chapters focus on the subspecialties of psychiatry, including psychotherapy, child and adolescent psychiatry, intellectual disability, forensic psychiatry, substance misuse, and old age psychiatry. The book provides a critical review of the literature and a response to the questions posed by researchers, service users and clinicians, concerning the importance of spirituality in mental healthcare. With contributions from psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, nurses, mental healthcare chaplains and neuroscientists, and a patient perspective, this book is an invaluable clinical handbook for anyone interested in the place of spirituality in psychiatric practice.
The spirituality and psychiatry special interest group of the royal college of psychiatrists Andrew Powell; 1. Spirituality and religion in psychiatry Christopher C. H. Cook; 2. Spiritual assessment Linda Ross, Lucy Grimwade and Sarah Eagger; 3. Psychosis Susan Mitchell and Glenn Roberts; 4. Suicide Cherrie Coghlan; 5. Child and adolescent psychiatry Mary Lynn Dell; 6. Psychotherapy:: the spiritual dimension Andrew Powell; 7. Intellectual disability Oyepeju Raji and Cristina Gangemi; 8. Substance misuse and addiction John F. Kelly and Christopher C. H. Cook; 9. Common mental disorders Gl?ria Dur?-Vil? and Simon Dein; 10. Forensic psychiatry Gwen Adshead; 11. Meditation, prayer and healing:: a neuroscience perspective Peter Fenwick and Andrew Newberg; 12. Religion and spirituality in the DSM and ICD John R. Peteet and Francis G. Lu; 13. Spiritual care in the NHS John Swinton, Sarah Mullally and Jason Roach; 14. Spiritual and religious interventions:: introduction Christopher C. H. Cook; 14.1 Mindfulness Paramabandhu Groves; 14.2 Compassion-focused therapy Paul Gilbert; 14.3 Religiously integrated cognitive-behavioral therapy Michelle Pearce; 14.4 Forgiveness therapy Robert D. Enright and Jacqueline Y. Song; 15. The patient perspective Joanna Barber; 16. Religion and religious experience Christopher C. H. Cook; 17. Pathological spirituality Nicola Crowley and Gillie Jenkinson; 18. Ageing Julia H. Head, Robert M. Lawrence and Rachel J. Cullinan.
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