The aim of this book is to provide insight into the principles of operation of the cerebral cortex. These principles are key to understanding how we, as humans, function.There have been few previous attempts to set out some of the important principles of operation of the cortex, and this book is pioneering. The book goes beyond separate connectional neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, neuroimaging, neuropsychiatric, and computational neuroscience approaches, by combining evidence from all these areas to formulate hypotheses about how and what the cerebral cortex computes. As clear hypotheses are needed in this most important area of 21st century science, howour brains work, I have formulated a set of hypotheses about the principles of cortical operation to guide thinking and future research.The book focusses on the principles of operation of the cerebral cortex, because at this time it is possible to propose and describe many principles, and many are likely to stand the test of time, and provide a foundation for further developments, even if some need to be changed. In this context, I have not attempted to produce an overall theory of operation of the cerebral cortex, because at this stage of our understanding, such a theory would be incorrect or incomplete. However, many of theprinciples described will provide the foundations for more complete theories of the operation of the cerebral cortex. This book is intended to provide a foundation for future understanding, and it is hoped that future work will develop and add to these principles of operation of the cerebral cortex.The book includes Appendices on the operation of many of the neuronal networks described in the book, together with simulation software written in Matlab.
Introduction; Hierarchical Organization; Localization of Function; Recurrent Collateral Connections and Attractor Networks; The Noisy Cortex: Stochastic dynamics, decisions, and memory; Attention, Short-term Memory, and Biased Competition; Diluted Connectivity; Coding Principles; Synaptic Modification for Learning; Synaptic and Neuronal Adaptation and Facilitation; Backprojections in the Neocortex; Memory and the Hippocampus; Limited Neurogenesis in the Adult Cortex; Invariance Learning and Vision; Emotion, Motivation, Reward Value, Pleasure, and their Mechanisms; Noise in the Cortex, Stability, Psychiatric Disease, and Aging; Syntax and Language; Evolutionary Trends in Cortical Design and Principles of Operation; Genetics and Self-Organization Build the Cortex; Cortex versus Basal Ganglia Design for Selection; Sleep and Dreaming; Which Cortical Computations Underlie Consciousness?; Cerebellar Cortex; The Hippocampus and Memory; Invariant Visual Object Recognition Learning; Synthesis; Introduction to Linear Algebra for Neural Networks; Neural Network Models; Information Theory and Neuronal Encoding; Simulation Software for Neuronal Network Models; References; Index;
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