Pocket Psychiatry is a concise , problem oriented guide to dealing with acute psychiatric conditions. This new edition will be invaluable to trainees in psychiatry as well as to general practitioners and accident and emergency staff.
Assessment Psychiatric History Mental State Examination Physical status Investigations Summarising The Assessment: Formulation
Psychiatric Emergencies: A problem based approach The hostile patient The anxious patient The depressed patient The suicidal patient The Personality disordered patient The hallucinating patient The paranoid patient The confused patient The police-escorted patient The unresponsive patient The sexually disinhibited patient The substance misusing patient
Psychiatric Wards and A & E departments A&E Working on psychiatric wards Multidisciplinary teams Relatives
The Mental Health Act Civil & Forensic Sections Consent to Treatment Rules Electroconvulsive therapy Psychosurgery & implantation of sex hormones Plan of treatment Mental Health Act Commissioner Capacity to give consent Advanced statements Changes to the legal framework
Liaison Psychiatry The work of the liaison psychiatrist The liaison assessment Secondary non-organic disorders Delirium Somatisation Oncology The dying patient Obstetrics and gynaecology HIV infection and AIDS Psychological and emotional problems among relatives Psychological and emotional problems among staff
Working in the community Community care legislation Modernising mental health services The National Service Framework Components of comprehensive local services The Revised Care Programme Approach Sectorization Needs assessment Domiciliary Visits Primary Care Psychiatry
Special Topics Forensic psychiatry Court diversion Report writing Risk assessment Rape Child Sexual Abuse Neuroimaging and psychiatry The skin and psychiatry Improving treatment adherence among psychiatric patients Persistent psychotic symptoms: non pharmacological approaches Religion and Mental Health The Emergency Cross Cultural Psychiatric Assessment Culture Bound Syndromes Possession States
Specific Conditions Alcohol misuse Illicit drug use Schizophrenia Affective Disorders Neurotic disorders Eating disorders Disorders of personality Other Behavioural disorders Learning difficulties Child and adolescent mental health Psychiatric disorders in later life
Therapeutics Physical Treatments Psychological Treatments Social Treatments
Useful Information Addresses Phenomenology Psychiatric Rating Scales
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