In this issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, guest editors Drs. Lisa Fortuna, Cheryl S. Al-Mateen, Lisa M. Cullins, and W. David Lohr bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Systemic Racism and Disparate Mental Health Outcomes for Youth of Color. This issue represents a collaboration by American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry committee members and includes contributions by top experts in the field. It is an invaluable resource for practicing psychiatrists looking to address the unique needs and experiences of black and BIPOC youth in their practices.
Framework for Understanding and Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Childrens Mental Health Racial Disparities in the Education System: Opportunities for Justice in Schools Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors Among Minoritized Youth Unpacking the Layers: Dismantling Inequities in Substance Use Services and Outcomes for Racially Minoritized Adolescents Focusing on Racial, Historical and Intergenerational Trauma, and Resilience: A Paradigm to Better Serving Children and Families Cultural and Structural Humility and Addressing Systems of Care Disparities in Mental Health Services for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Youth The Impact of Racism on the Health and Wellbeing of Black Indigenous and Other Youth of Color (BIPOC Youth) Nurturing Childrens Mental Health Body and Soul: Confronting American Child Psychiatrys Racist Past to Reimagine Its Antiracist Future Striving for Equity in Community Mental Health: Opportunities and Challenges for Integrating Care for BIPOC Youth Parenting and Family-Based Care Immigration and Race: A Challenge of Many Shades
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