The third edition of the Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice is available to purchase in a pack with the second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, offering complementary content from both handbooks at a discounted price.Fully revised and updated for the third edition, the Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice remains the first resort for all those working in this broad field. Structured to assist with practical tasks, translating evidence into policy, and providing concise summaries and real-world issues from across the globe, this literally provides a world of experience at your fingertips. Easy-to-use, concise and practical, it is structured into seven parts that focus on the vital areas of assessment, data and information, direct action, policy, health-care systems, personal effectiveness and organisational development. Reflecting recent advances, the most promising developments in practical public health are presented, as well as maintaining essential summaries of core disciplines. This handbook is designed to assist students and practitioners around the world, for improvedmanagement of disasters, epidemics, health behaviour, acute and chronic disease prevention, community and government action, environmental health, vulnerable populations, and more. Fully reviewed and revised for its second edition, the Oxford Handbook of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology maintains its position as the must-have guide to all aspects of infectious diseases and microbiology. Reflecting the current approach to joint postgraduate training programmes, the handbook takes an integrated approach to both subjects. It covers the basic principles of bacteriology and virology, along with specific guidance on individual diseases and conditions, all in theaccessible Oxford Handbook style. Now including new topics on important subjects such as microbiology specimen collection, commonly used media, molecular diagnostics, and antimicrobials in pregnancy, as well as incorporating new guidelines from WHO, NICE, and BASHH among others, this handbook ensures that the informaiton you need is accessible, clear, and easy-to-understand. Practical and comprehensive, this handbook includes coverage of National Frameworks and current legislation, together with information on topical issues such as bioterrorism and preventative medicine. Fully reviewed by specialist senior readers, and with useful links to up-to-date clinical information and online resources, this is an important addition to the Oxford Handbook Series.
Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice ; Part 1:: Assessment; Scoping public health problems; Priorities and ethics; Assessing health needs; Assessing health impacts; Economic assessment; Part 2:: Data and Information; Understanding data, information, and knowledge; Information technology and informatics; Qualitative methods; Epidemiological approach and design; Inference, causality and interpretation; Finding and appraising evidence; Health status; Surveillance; Investigating clusters; Health trends:: registers; Part 3:: Direct Action; Communicable disease epidemics; Environmental health risks; Protecting and promoting health in the workplace; Engaging communities in participatory research and action; Emergency response; Screening; Genetics; Health communication; Public health practice in primary care; Part 4:: Policy Areas; Developing healthy public policy; Translating policy into indicators and targets; Translating goals, indicators, and targets into public health action; Media advocacy for policy influence; Influencing international policy; Public health in poorer countries; Regulation; Part 5:: Health-care Systems; Planning health services; Funding and delivering health care; Commissioning health care; Using guidance and frameworks; Evaluating health-care systems; Health-care process and patient experience; Evaluating health-care technologies; Improving equity; Improving quality; Part 6:: Personal Effectiveness; Developing leadership skills; Effective meetings; Effective writing; Working with the media; Communicating risk; Consultancy in a national strategy; Assessing and improving your own professional practice; Activism; Innovation; Part 7:: Organizations; Governance and accountability; Business planning; Controlling expenditures; Partnerships; Knowledge transfer; Health, sustainability, and climate change; Workforce; Effective public health action; Oxford Handbook of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology ; 1:: Antimicrobials; Basic antimicrobials; Antibiotics; Antifungals; Antivirals; Antiparasitic therapy; Infection control; 2:: Systemic microbiology; Bacteria; Viruses; Fungi; Protozoa; Helminths; Ectoparasites; 3:: Clinical syndromes; Fever; Respiratory, head, and neck infections; Cardiovascular infections; Gastrointestinal infections; Urinary tract infections; Sexually transmitted infections; Neurological infections; Ophthalmological infections; Skin and soft tissue infections; Bone and joint infections; Pregnancy and childhood; Immunodeficiency and HIV; Health protection;
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