The demand for quality control of medical care has increased dramatically in recent years. In response to higher public awareness and political trends, the implementation of audit has swept through general practice in the UK, fuelled by the appearance of improved data collection systems and the greater sophistication of primary care teamwork. This concise yet comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of medical audit in the primary health care setting is edited by two university lecturers who are also practising GPs. It includes contributions from a range of practitioners who have experience of audit in action, and an appreciation of the potential pitfalls involved. This theoretical and practical guide to the challenge of medical audit has proved to be and will continue to be of value to general practitioners, trainees,and all members of the primary health care team.
Introduction; Part I:: The basis of medical audit; What is medical audit; The purpose of medical audit; Medical audit and accountability; Part II:: Establishing audit in primary health care; Choosing the topic and getting started; Setting standards in practice; Collecting and analysing data; Implementing change and planning care; Repeating the cycle; Part III:: Audit in practice; Preventive care:: child surveillance and womens health; Preventive care:: cardiovascular disease; Chronic disease management; Prescribing and formularies; Critical incident analysis:: cases and patterns; Problem-solving audits; Access, availability, and continuity; Assessment of patients views in primary care; Auditing teamwork; The primary/secondary care interface; Practice visiting; Part IV:: Support and evaluation; The role of the Medical Audit Advisory Group; Auditing audit; Practice reports and profits;
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