This book provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to the many definitions, theories and approaches in public health. It is an important book for students and practitioners who are interested in public health, and for those who are keen to improve it.
Szczegóły produktu
Rok wydania
Numer wydania
miękka foliowana
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Wymiary (mm)
129.00 x 198.00
Waga (g)
1. activism.- 2. Addiction.- 3. adulthood and later life.- 4. Advocacy.- 5. asset-based community development.- 6. Autonomy.- 7. baby friendly.- 8. behaviour change.- 9. capacity building.- 10. child protection.- 11. climate change.- 12. communicable disease.- 13. Community.- 14. counter tactics.- 15. critical education.- 16. Definition.- 17. Disability.- 18. Empowerment.- 19. environmental health.- 20. Epidemiology.- 21. evidence based.- 22. fear-based campaigns.- 23. female genital cutting.- 24. food poverty.- 25. gender mainstreaming.- 26. Globalization.- 27. Health.- 28. health economics.- 29. health impact assessment.- 30. health in all policies.- 31. health information systems.- 32. health networks.- 33. health policy.- 34. health promotion.- 35. human resources for health.- 36. Hygiene.- 37. indigenous peoples.- 38. inequalities agenda.- 39. Injury.- 40. Journalism.- 41. knowledge, attitude and practice.- 42. lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.- 43. Lifestyle.- 44. Malnutrition.- 45. maternal, newborn and child health.- 46. mens health.- 47. mental health.- 48. needs assessment.- 49. non-communicable disease.- 50. overweight and obesity.- 51. Participation.- 52. participatory rural appraisal.- 53. peer education.- 54. policy change.- 55. population growth.- 56. Power.- 57. prevention paradox.- 58. Prostitution.- 59. Reformers.- 60. risk communication.- 61. risk factors.- 62. Schools.- 63. sexual health.- 64. social determinants of health.- 65. social entrepreneurship.- 66. social movements.- 67. theory of change.- 68. tobacco control.- 69. upstream and downstream.- 70. Violence.- 71. Volunteerism.- 72. womens health.- 73. workplace health.- 74. Youth.- 75. zero-sum.