Completely revised and updated, this respected reference offers comprehensive and current coverage of every aspect of vaccination-from development to use in reducing disease. It provides authoritative information on vaccine production, available preparations, efficacy, and safety.recommendations for vaccine use, with on the impact of vaccination programs on morbidity and mortality.and more. And now, a companion web site - new to this edition - enables you to conveniently access this unparalleled guidance where and when you need it most.
1. A Short History of Vaccination, Stanley L. Plotkin, Susan L. Plotkin 2. The Immunology of Vaccination, Claire-Anne Siegrist 3. The Vaccine Industry, Gordon Douglas, Vijay Samant 4. Vaccine Manufacturing, James Robinson 5. Immunologic Adjuvants, Fred Vogel, Stanley Hem 6. Vaccine Additives and Manufacturing Residuals in the United States: Licensed Vaccines, Theresa Finn, William Egan 7. General Immunization Practices, William Atkinson, Larry Pickering, & Andrew Kroger
Section 2: Licensed vaccines
8. Anthrax Vaccine, Phillip S Brachman, Arthur M Friedlander, John Grabenstein 9. Cholera Vaccine, Carol Tacket, David Sack 10. Diphtheria Toxoid, Melinda Wharton 11. Haemophilus influenzae Vaccine, Aruna Chadran, James P Watt, Mathuram Santosham 12. Hepatitis A Vaccine, Beth Bell, Steve Feinstone & Tony Fiore 13. Hepatitis B Vaccine, Eric Mast, Susan Goldstein, John Ward 14. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine, John T Schiller 15. Influenza Vaccine (Inactivated), Nancy Cox, Carolyn Bridges, Roland Levandowski, Jackie Katz 16. Influenza Vaccine (Live), Robert B Belshe, Robert E Walker, Jeffrey J. Stoddard, Paul Mendleman 17. Japanese Encephalitis Vaccines, Scott Halstead, Julie Jacobson 18. Measles Vaccine, Peter M Strebel, Mark Papania 19. Meningococcal Vaccines, Dan M Granoff 20. Mumps Vaccine, Stanley Plotkin, Steven Rubin 21. Pertussis Vaccine, Kathryn Edwards, Michael Decker 22. Plague, Diane Williamson, Richard Titball, A J Simpson 23. Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine, Steve Black, Henry Shinefield, Juhani Eskola, Cynthia Whitney 24. Pneumococcal Polysaccharide, Kathy Neuzil, Lisa Jackson 25. Poliovirus Vaccine (Inactivated), Stanley Plotkin, Emmanuel Vidor 26. Poliovirus Vaccine (Live), Roland Sutter 27. Rabies Vaccine, Stanley Plotkin, Hilary Koprowski, Charles Rupprecht 28. Rotavirus Vaccine, Paul Offit, Fred Clark, Dick Ward 29. Rubella Vaccine, Stanley Plotkin, Susan Reef 30. Smallpox and Vaccinia, Donald A. Henderson, Lu Borio, John Grabenstein 31. Tetanus Toxoid, Steve Wassilak, Walter Orenstein 32. Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Vaccine, Noel Barrett, Hartmut Josef Ehrlich 33. Tuberculosis, Kimberly C Smith, Jeffrey R Starke, Ian M Orme, James Kaper 34. Typhoid Fever Vaccine, Myron M Levine 35. Varicella Vaccine, Anne A. Gershon, Michiaki Takahashi, Jane Seward 36. Yellow Fever Vaccine, Tom Monath, Dirk Teuwen, Marty Cetron 37. Zoster Vaccine, Myron Levin 38. Combination Vaccines, Michael Decker, H. Bogaerts, K. Edwards
Section 3: Vaccines in development and new vaccine strategies
39. Adenovirus Vaccine, Greg Gray, Charlotte Gaydos 40. Biodefense and Special Pathogen Vaccines, LTC Philip R. Pittman, Stanley Plotkin 41. Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines, Neil Berinstein, David Spaner 42. Cytomegalovirus Vaccine, Stanley Plotkin 43. Dengue Vaccine, Scott Halstead, Duane Gubler 44. Diarrhea Caused by Bacteria, James P Nataro 45. Ebola Vaccine, Gary Nabel, Peter B. Jahrling 46. Epstein-Barr Virus Vaccine, Denis Moss, Joanne Davis 47. Hepatitis C Vaccine, Michael Houghton 48. Hepatitis E Vaccine, Robert Purcell, Suzanne Emerson 49. Herpes Simplex Virus Vaccine, Lawrence Stanberry 50. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Marc Girard, Koff 51. Lyme Disease Vaccine, Allen C Steere 52. Malaria Vaccine, Filip Dubovsky, Elissa Malkin 53. Noninfectious Disease Vaccines, George Siber, A Fattom (NABI) 54. Parainfluenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines, Ruth Karron 55. Parasitic Disease Vaccines, Peter Hotez, Jeff Bethony 56. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Vaccine, Albert Osterhaus 57. Staphylococcus Vaccine, Robert Daum 58. Streptococcus Group A Vaccine, Karen Kotloff 59. Streptococcus Group B Vaccine, Carol Baker, C. Mary Healy 60. New Vaccine Strategies, Ronald W Ellis 61. Delivery Systems, Bruce Weniger, Mark Papania 62. Vectors, Gary Nabel
Section 4: Vaccination of special groups
63. Vaccination in the Immunocompromised Host, Per Ljungman 64. Vaccination of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infec ted Persons, William J Moss, Neal A Halsey 65. Vaccines for International Travel, Elizabeth Day Barnett, Phyllis E. Kozarsky, Robert Steffen 66. Vaccines for Health Care Workers, David J Weber, Ray Strikas, Mike Decker or Bill Schaffner
Section 5: Public health and regulatory issues
67. Immunization in the United States, Walter Orenstein, Lance Rodewald, Alan Hinman, Anne Schuchat 68. Immunization in Europe, David Salisbury 69. Immunization in Asia, Theodore Tsai, Zhi Yi Xu 70. International Immunization, Steve Hadler, Felicity Cutts, Vance Dietz, Steve Wiersma 71. Community Immunity, Paul Fine, Kim Mulholland 72. Economic Analyses of Vaccine Policies, Mark Miller, Alan Hinman 73. Regulation and Testing of Vaccines, Norman Baylor, Karen Midthun 74. Safety of Immunizations, Paul Offit, Robert L Davis, Deborah Gust 75. Legal Issues, Emily Marcus Levine, Geoffrey S Evans, Elizabeth Saindon 76. Ethics, Arthur Caplan, Jason L Schwartz