In this issue of Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, guest editor Dr. Christy M. King brings her considerable expertise to the topic of The Kaiser Permanente Podiatry Experience:: Lessons Learned in Foot and Ankle Surgery. Kaiser Permanente is recognized as one of Americas leading health care providers and nonprofit health plans, and has invested significant funds to improve health and wellness in Northern California?communities. This issue, edited by the residency director at Kaiser Permanente Northern California, contains articles covering the podiatric evolution at this institution, along with advancements in foot and ankle surgery, in order to improve patient health.
The Evolution of the Treatment of Clubfoot from Posterior Medial Release to the Ponseti Technique: My 42-Year Journey at the Permanente Medical Group Clubfoot: Emphasis on the Complex and Atypical Subsets The Application of Mortons Observations to Contemporary Treatment of Foot Dysfunction The Lapidus Bunionectomy Revolution: Current Concepts and Considerations Early Functional Rehabilitation in Foot and Ankle Surgery Management of High-Risk Ankle Fractures Considerations with Fractures of the Posterior Malleolus in Ankle Fractures Navigating the Challenges of Total Ankle Replacement: Deformity Correction and Infection Considerations Considerations in Charcot Reconstruction Current Concepts in Achilles Tendon Ruptures Batting Cleanup: Revision of Surgical Misadventure Shaping the Next Generation of Foot and Ankle Surgeons: Podiatric Surgical Residency Education at Kaiser Permanente Northern California Epilogue: One Job
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