This book offers a comprehensive discussion on pedal amputations. Articles address indications; perioperative management; digital amputations; transmetatarsal amputations; lisfranc and chopart disarticulations; symes amputation; tendon lengthening and balancing; complications; and prosthetics.
1. Indications for Amputations (Wallace) 2. Perioperative Management of the Amputation (Cook) 3. Digital Amputations (Rosen) 4. Transmetatarsal Amputations (Wallace) 5. Lisfranc and Chopart Disarticulations (DeCotiis) 6. Symes Amputation (Yu) 7. When Is a More Proximal Amputation Needed ? (Zickler) 8. Tendon Lengthening and Balancing with Amputations (Cook) 9. Complications of Amputations (Sullivan) 10. Prosthetics for the Amputee (Yonclas)
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