Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is written for all levels of aesthetic plastic surgery, from the beginner to the expert and experienced. The second edition of a two volume work, published over 10 years ago, remains the definitive work on this field. This editionis a thorough revision encompassing the addition of all relevant advances in the field of Aesthetic Surgery since the original publication. Some of these addition include open rhinoplasty, the large and growing field of liposuction, reconstructive breast surgery after cancer ablation, deep tissue rhytidectomy and the expanded experience with the management of complications of all aesthetic operations. The methodology and procedures presented in these volumes are practical and of proven efficacy by experienced experts in the field. Speculative techniques are not included. The work includes many new illustrations and photographs as well as revisions of the originals. The emphasis is on a practical approach to the diagnosis, treatment and management of complications of virtually all problems related to aesthetic surgery of the entire body.
(Section Headings): Volume I: General Considerations. Rhinoplasty. Volume II: Blepharoplasty. Aesthetic Surgery of Neck and Face. Facial Contouring and Otoplasty. Breastand Body Contouring
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