For the first time, this beautifully illustrated clinical reference fully documents the three approaches to reconstructive surgery flaps, microsurgery and tissue expansion as they apply to the entire body. Plus it is the only book to provide technical data on tissue expansion and its application in reconstructive surgery. And the only one to use anatomical dissections with accompanying illustrations to give a better understanding of each operation. Reconstructive Surgery details the applications of every reconstructive option available for every region of the body. This timely, definitive two-volume set will change the way reconstructive surgery is performed. Here is a reference no reconstructive surgeon should be without!
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Two Volumes: Section 1 General Principles: Introduction: a Systematic Approach. The Reconstructive Triangle: a Paradigm for Surgical Decision Making. Flap Selection: Analysis of Features, Modifications, And Applications. The Complex Wound: Pathophysiology and Management Section Ii Regional Flaps: Anatomy and Basic Techniques: Head and Neck: Forehead Median Flap, Forehead Standard Flap, Nasolabial Flap, Orbicularis Oris Flap, Platysma Flap, Scalp Flap, Sternocleidomastoid Flap, Temporoparietal Fascia Flap, Temporalis Muscle Flap, Tongue Flap. Anterior Thorax: Deltopectoral Flap, Lateral Thoracic (Axillary) Flap, Pectoralis Major Flap, Pectoralis Minor Flap, Serratus Flap. Posterior Trunk: Gluteus Maximus, Gluteal Thigh Flap, Intercostal Flap, Latissimus Dorsi Flap, Scapular Flap, Transverse Back Flap, Trapezius Flap. Upper Extremity: Anconeeus Flap, Brachioradialis Flap, Coracobrachialis Flap, Deltoid Flap, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Flap, Inferior Cubital Artery (Antecubital) Flap, Lateral Arm Flap, Medial Arm Flap, Posterior Interosseous Flap, Radial Forearm Flap, Radial Recurrent Flap, Triceps Flap, Ulnar Recurrent (Reverse Medial Arm) Flap. Hand: Abductor Digiti Minimi Flap, Abductor Pollicis Brevis Flap, Digital Artery Flap, Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Flap, First Dorsal Interosseus Flap, Great Toe Hallux Flap, Second Toe Flap. Abdomen: Deep Circumflex Iliac Artery (Dcia) Composite Flap, Deep External Pudendal Flap, External Oblique Flap, Groin Flap, Internal Oblique Flap, Pudendal Thigh Flap, Rectus Abdominis Flap, Superficial External Pudendal Artery (Sepa) Flap. Abdominal Viscera: Colon Flap, Jejunal Flap, Omental Flap. Thigh: Anterior Laternal Thigh Flap, Gracilis Flap, Hamstring (Biceps Femoris) Flap, Lateral Thigh Flap,Medial Thigh Flap, Rectus Femoris Flap, Saphenous Flap, Sartorius Flap, Tensor Fascia Lata (Tfl) Flap, Vastus Lateralis Flap, Vastus Medialis Flap. Leg: Anterior Tibial Artery Flap, Extensor Digitorum Longus Flap, Extensor Hallucis Longus Flap,Fibula Flap, Flexor Digitorum Longus Flap, Flexor Hallucis Longus Flap, Gastrocnemius Flap, Peroneal Artery Flap, Peroneus B Revis Flap, Peroneus Longus Flap, Posterior Tibial Artgery Flap, Soleus Flap, Sural Artery Flap, Tibialis Anterior Flap. Foot: Abductor Digiti Minimi Flap, Abductor Hallucis Flap, Dorsalis Pedis Flap, Flexor Digitorum Brevis Flap, Lateral Plantar Artery Flap, Medial Plantar Artery Flap.