Nurse education has changed radically in recent years. One of the major shifts in the curriculum has been a much greater emphasis on physiology and a down-grading of pure anatomy. This book was developed in response to this change in nurse education. This highly innovative textbook is suitable for the Project 2000 nursing courses. (The Life sciences relevant to nursing practice segment of the Common Foundation Programme (CFP) is its natural home.) Unlike older texts, the emphasis is firstly on the physiology, which is covered in the depth now required by student nurses. The book also gives a basic grounding in anatomy, showing especially how anatomy relates to and helps explain the physiology. The whole text is made relevant to nursing practice, by using nursing application boxes, which show the application of the science to the clinical situation. This is a book which will not overwhelm student nurses with its level of detail, but will provide them with a sound understanding of physiology and enable them to apply what they have learned to their practice. It is an attractive and highly structured text from a nursing professional, who is also a gifted writer.
SECTION 1 HUMAN BEINGS: BIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES: Introduction. Cells. Homeostasis and Control SECTION 2 the INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT and ITS MAINTENANCE: Part a Component Parts and Systems: Structure and Function: Blood and Related Tissues. Circulation. Digestive System. Respiration. Urinary System. Liver. Endocrine Tissue and Hormones. Part B Stabilising the Internal Environment: Systems Working Together: Maintenanceof Oxygen Supplies. Acid-Base Balance. Water and Electrolyte Balance. Nutrition. Protection, Defence and Waste Disposal. Maintenance of Body Temperature. Part C Different Body States: from Rest to Activity. Circadian Rhythms. Illness SECTION 3 INTERACTION with the EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT: Part a Component Parts and Systems: Structure and Function: The Somatic Nervous System: An Introduction. Neurones. Muscle. Part B Sensing the External Environment and Acting: Sensory Systems: An Overview. Body Senses, Proprioception, Taste and Smell. Hearing. Vision. Motor Systems: An Overview. Actions 1: Posture, Movement, Manipulation. Actions 2: Looking, Communicating and Eating. Part C Different Aspects of Experience: The Mind, Knowing and Doing. Sleep, Emotion and Behaviour. Pain. Learning and Memory SECTION 4 VARIATIONS in FORM and FUNCTION: Sex, Reproduction and Pregnancy. Development from Conception to Adulthood. Growing Older. Death and Dying Index
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