A lucid, clearly written guide to the actions and clinical applications of a very wide range of drugs in common use. It includes appendices on drug reactions, weights and measures, abbreviations, approved and brand names of drugs and a detailed glossary.
Note on Drug Dosages and Nurse Prescribing. Introduction. Sedatives, Hypnotics and Anaesthetics. Tranquillizers, Antidepressants, Anticonvulsants and Stimulants. Opioid (Narcotic) Analgesics and Antagonists, Non-Narcotic Analgesics, Antimigraine Drugs. Antibiotics and Other Chemotherapeutic Agents. Cardiovascular Drugs and Blood-Lipid Lowering Agents. Drugs Acting on the Autonomic Nervous System. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents and Other Muscle Relaxants. The Chemotherapyof Malignant Disease. Anticoagulants and Haemostatics. Drugs Acting on the Gastrointestinal Tract. Drugs Acting on the Urinary System. Hormones and the Endocrine System. Insulin and Other Hypoglycaemic Agents. Antirheumatic and Uricosuric Agents. AllergyAntihistamines and Associated Drugs. Wound Dressings
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