The world has changed dramatically, leading to increases in substance abuse for young and old alike. Drugs in Perspective examines the rapidly mutating field of chemical dependency with an emphasis on family dynamics, the impact of family on individuals, and their use of alcohol/drugs, all within the framework of larger societal challenges. Students will fully explore the dynamics of chemical dependency and the domino effects it can have on a life. The text guides students to develop informed perspectives on the multifaceted aspects and problems associated with alcohol/drug use, abuse, and addiction.
Richard Fields has more than 30 years of first-hand experience performing clinical work with individuals wrestling with substance abuse and their families.
He communicates his experience and research in a way that is comprehensible, approachable, and engaging for students.
SECTION I Understanding Substance Abuse 1 Putting Drugs in Perspective 2 Why People Use and Abuse Drugs and Alcohol 3 Drug-Specific Information 4 Assessment: Substance Abuse, Dependence, Addiction, and Suicidality
SECTION II Family 5 Substance Abuse and Family Systems 6 Parents and Family: At-Risk Factors for Substance Abuse 7 Growing Up in an Alcoholic Family System: Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA)
SECTION III Motivation, Intervention, Co-occurring Disorders, Prevention, Recovery, and Relapse Prevention 8 Motivation and Change 9 Intervention 10 Prevention of Substance Abuse Problems 11 Disorders Co-occurring with Substance Abuse 12 Recovery, Suicide, Alcohol/Drugs and Relapse Prevention (RP)
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