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Ambiol as Base of New Effective Drugs
Wybierz Paczkomat Inpost, Orlen Paczkę, DPD, Pocztę, email (dla ebooków). Kliknij po więcej
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On example of the highly efficient plant growth regulator AMBIOL (2-methyl-4-dimethylaminomethyl-5-hydroxybenzimidazol dihydrochoride) - is as a complex antistress antioxidant, possessing antimutagenical and radio protective properties. The role of antioxidants in metabolism and the perspectives of development and treatment.The peroxide concept theoretically justifies application antioxidants as effective means of preventive maintenance and treatment of atherosclerosis, ischemia illness of heart, cerebral thrombosis. So, as a cardio protector in Russia was for the first time used antioxidant Ionol (Dibunol) and rather perspective use of Ambiol, which almost in 4 times active then Ionol is represented. Synthetic inhibitors, substituting for action natural antioxidants, destroyed during a irradiation, can brake the free-radical oxidizing reactions in biomolecules, first of all in lipids, and by that to block systems of strengthening of a radiating affection. Anti-mutagenic activity of Ambiol (more, than in 6 times to reduce frequency of scale - induced aberrations of chromosomes) will give a basis to apply it in quality of a anti-cancer preparation, as well as widely used in a oncology practice the alkylating preparations - Myelosan, Sarcolisyn and other. Besides Ambiol is possible to offer and for treatment of a gastritis and of a pre-cancer disease of a stomach and a duodenum - a ulcer, which successfully treat by the vitamin U, too, to the point, donor of methyl groups and capable to block action of certain cancer genes, causing cancer of breast. At pathogenesis of broncholungic pathology are infringements of a structure and function of membranes, activation of a free-radical oxidation and syndrome of antioxidants-insufficiency. Potential danger of adverse consequences of treatment by a oxygen is increased by antioxidants-insufficiency. At toxic action on lung (nitro gases, the ozone) first comes into effect as protection ascorbinic acid, which is capable to break formation of super oxide radical and to neutralize hydroxyl and peroxide radicals. Ambiol acts similarly. A opportunity of restoration influence of Ambiol is not excluded on the dehydrogenated form ascorbinic acid, with the subsequent its activation and maintenance ascorbinic acid in the active form for maintenance of a normal homeostasis free-radical oxidation. In view of that the process of a aging of a cell is accompanied by free-radical damages (first of all in a genetic apparatus and biomembranes), by search the pharmacological means of extension of life - gerontoprotectors - among antioxidants becomes justified. The idea of medicinal correction of immunodeficiency is reduced to selective effect on ill cells and its perverted functions. They apply ascorbinic acid (will similarly act and Ambiol), lithium salts, Levamysol, bacterial polysaccharides (will similarly act and Ambiol). Ambiol promotes restoration of sexual cyclic recurrence and of reproductive function, as well as sharply increases a impregnation. The positive action of Ambiol is mainly explained by that, having by antioxidant properties, it protects from degradation the vitamins A, D, E, F, K; hormones -- estradiol, testosterone, progesterone and enzymes (super oxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, peroxidase, glutationreductase, katalase, the cytochrome P450 ) and prevents accumulation in tissues of toxic products of peroxide oxidation of lipids.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2010
- Numer wydania
- 1
- Oprawa
- twarda
- Liczba stron
- 47
- Wymiary (mm)
- 230.00 x 155.00
- Waga (g)
- 120
- Introduction; Atherosclerosis, Ischemia Illness of Heart, Infarction of a Cardiac Muscle, Thrombosis, Cerebral Thrombosis, Redundant Cholesterol; Oncologic Diseases, Radiating Affection (Beam Illness), Gastritis, Stomach Ulcer & Ulcer of the Duodenum; Broncholungic Pathologies, Asthma, Adverse Consequences of a Oxygentherapy; Immune System - Aging of Organism, Allergy, Inflammation, Infectious Illnesses; Pain, Stress, Psychical & Mental Activity; Frustration of Sexual & of Reproductive Functions - Impotence, Gynaecological Diseases, Barrenness; Protective Effect at Defect of Vitamins. Preventive Maintenance & Treatment of Intoxcations (Poisons Industrial, Plants, Animals); The Help for Deciding to Lose Flesh & Leave Off Smoking; A Hemochromatosis (Surplus Of A Non-Heme Iron) - Sight; Loss of Hair (Growing Bald), Fat And Dry Seborrhea - Chemical & Thermal Burns, Frostbite. A Rejuvenation of a Skin, Prevention of Aging Skin; Disposal from Keloidal of Cicatrices (Scars). A Cream Against Sunburn; Preservation & Improvement of Properties of Products of Nourishment, Forages, of Cosmetic Means (Creams, Gels, Toothpastes); Conclusion; Index.
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