Effects of Smoking on the Fetus, Neonate and Child covers the effects of parental smoking on all aspects of reproduction and child development. With contributions from respected and authoritative specialists, it includes new research findings and new methods of data analysis. The authors discuss how smoking affects placental, fetal, and child development. Important subjects covered include the relationships between smoking and pre-eclampsia, ectopic pregnancy. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and respiratory disease in children. The final chapters discuss research related to health education and the prevention of maternal smoking. This comprehensive volume will be of interest to obstetricians, paediatricians, epidemiologists, and those involved in public health medicine.
Introduction to toxicity; Evidence for reduced fecundity in female smokers; Ectopic pregnancy and smoking:: confounding or causality?; Effects of maternal tobacco smoke inhalation on early embryonic growth; The effects of maternal cigarette smoking on placental structure and function in mid- to late gestation; The effects of smoking on oxygen transfer and placental circulation; Smoking and pre-eclampsia; The effects of smoking on fetal growth:: evidence for a threshold, the importance of a brand of cigarette, and interaction with alcohol and caffeine consumption; A preliminary analysis of interactions between smoking and infant feeding; Parental smoking and respiratory problems in childhood; Antenatal smoking, postnatal passive smoking, and the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome; Exposure to passive cigarette smoking and child development; Prevention of smoking in pregnancy; Prenatal smoking interventions; Anti-smoking intervention during pregnancy; Impact on smoking behaviour and birth weight; Measuring serum cotinine to aid in smoking cessation during pregnancy and to enhance assessment of smoking-related fetal morbidity; Summary and conclusions;
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