Designed as an action-oriented working tool, this new comprehensive reference provides the essential core of practical knowledge that pediatricians, family practitioners, residents, and other pediatric health care professionals need to deliver optimal care to all neonates. The content covers the continuum of care from pregnancy through delivery to hospitalization and discharge for the healthy term and late preterm infant, as well as the infant who requires specialized neonatal intensive care. This reference contains evidence-based practice recommendations and provides tools to support the in-hospital and after-hospital community pediatric care for healthy and at-risk infants. Highlights step-by-step recommendations on what to do, when to admit, and when to refer. Thirty-six chapters feature comprehensive coverage of:: Perinatal preventive care Routine care issues Assessment and physical examination of the newborn Neonatal medical conditions Caring for the high-risk infant Neonatal outcomes Medical-legal considerations Support for families during perinatal illness and death An ideal resource for pediatricians, family physicians, medical students, residents, residency program directors, physician assistants, pediatric nurse practitioners, and nurses.