This issue of Clinics in Perinatology devoted to Neuroprotection in the Newborn examines the physiology of brain injury, detection of brain injury, protection and treatment of brain injury:: hypothermia, and pharmacologic methods of neuroprotection. Drs. Alan Spitzer and Robert White have assembled a team of authoritative authors to pen articles on Protection of cerebral perfusion and oxygenation during the first few days of life in high-risk preterm infants, Cytokines and perinatal brain injury, Use of aEEG for assessing neonatal neurological injury, Anatomic changes and imaging in assessing brain injury, Nutritional/metabolic brain injury during the neonatal period, Brain cooling for neuroprotection - the pros and cons, Brain cooling for the preterm infant, Supportive care for infants during brain cooling, Technical aspects of starting a cooling program, Prevention of IVH in the preterm infant, iNO and neuroprotection, and Neuroprotection during heart surgery in infants.