Children are different. They are not just small adults but are growing and changing all the time a fact that must not be forgotten or ignored when children are ill.
This new textbook of paediatrics offers a unique approach that takes the age of children into account. It is divided into two separate and distinct parts:: Section 1 deals with children at various ages from before birth through adolescence and studies the normal growing child and common illnesses, using a symptom-based approach; Section 2 provides a mini encyclopaedia of paediatric disorders, their aetiology, incidence, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management. Cross references provide the necessary links between the two parts to avoid repetition.
Clinical Paediatrics and Child Health was written primarily with medical students in mind and should form an excellent foundation andcompanion for their paediatric course. In addition, the book will be useful to general practitioners, nurses and others who need a chronological overview of the common signs and symptoms of childhood illness and a short reference book of paediatric disorders.
Section 1 Paediatric principles a developmental approach Before birth. Birth and the first month of life. 1 month to 1 year. The child from 1 to 5 years. 5 to 16 years of life Section 2 Paediatric conditions a systems approach Accident and emergency paediatrics. Cardiology. Child abuse and child protection. Dermatology. Endocrinology and growth disorders. Gastroenterology. Genetics and dysmorphology. Haematology. Hepatology. Immunology and infectious diseases. Metabolism. Nephrology and urology. Neurology. Nutritional disorders. Oncology. Ophthalmology.Orthopaedics. Respirology. Rheumatology. Appendices: 1 Therapeutics. 2 Practical procedures in children. 3 Screening for disorders of growth. 4 Informed consent. Index
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