Child Advocacy in Action: If Not You, Who? If Not now, When? Advocacy in Pediatric Academia: Charting a Path Forward Making Advocacy Part of Your Job: Working for Children in Any Practice Setting Community Engagement: How to Form Authentic Partnerships for Lasting Change Community Advocacy in Pediatric Practice: Perspectives from the Field Making Maternal Child Health a Population Health Priority in Maryland Firearm Injury Prevention Advocacy: Lessons Learned and Future Directions Inclusion of Children in Clinical Research: The Role of Advocacy and a Personal Journey Child Health Advocacy: The Journey to Antiracism Advocacy for Unaccompanied Migrant Children in US Detention Advocacy for Global Tobacco Control and Child Health The Pediatricians Role in Protecting Children from Environmental Hazards Translating Research into Child Health Policy: Aligning Incentives and Building a New Discourse Effective Communication for Child Advocacy: Getting the Message out Beyond Clinic Walls Going Farther by Going Together: Collaboration as a Tool in Advocacy
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