This book is essential reading for those who need to understand and evaluate the impact of medical conditions on the developing brain. It reviews normal and abnormal brain development, and describes specific medical conditions that affect brain/behavior functions. This book will be of interest to neuropsychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, rehabilitation specialists and other professionals directly involved in the care of children with medical conditions and illnesses thataffect brain function.
Introduction to Pediatric Neurpsychology; Part I:: Normal and Abnormal Brain Development; The Developing Brain; Neurodevelopmental and Genetic Syndromes; Part II:: The Pediatric Neurological and Neuropsychological Evaluation; The Pediatric Neurological Examination; Assessment of the Pediatric Patient; The Interpretive Session and the Report; Part III; Pediatric Medical Disorders and their Neuropsychological Aspects; Hydrocephalus and Myelomeningocele; Epilepsy; Head Trauma; Cancer; Cardiovascular Disease; Renal Disease; Neuropsychiatric Disorders; Appendix;
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