This book covers the most common paediatric problems encountered by staff in the Emergency Department. The contents include cardiopulmonary resuscitation, major trauma, fractures and other orthopaedic problems, burns, scalds, and poisoning. Child abuse and its recognition and management are described. Emphasis has been placed on the emergency management of serious illness and injury and on the management of common problems. In many cases, further management is described for thosestudying for the Accident and fellowship examination in Accident and Emergency.This edition includes a revised section on paediatric resuscitation which summarizes the latest guidelines in this area. The section on major trauma has been extended to follow the Advanced Paediatric Life Support guidelines, and the section on fractures, now in tabular format, is easier to understand and compare possible diagnoses. This is an essential practical reference for all junior doctors and nurses working in an emergency department.
Children in the Accident and Emergency Department; Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the seriously ill child; Major trauma; Minor trauma; Fractures and orthopaedic problems; Burns and scalds; Poisoning; Child abuse; Respiratory and ENT problems; Gastrointestinal and genitourinary problems; Neurology; Skin and infectious diseases; Blood disorders; Neonatal problems; Children brought in dead; Practical procedures; Legal aspects; Index;
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