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Environmental Health Disparities in Children: Asthma, Obesity & Food

Environmental Health Disparities in Children: Asthma, Obesity & Food

900,84 zł
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The children of today are the citizens and leaders of the future. It behoves us, as responsible citizens and leaders of today, to make sure that we provide our children and future leaders with the necessary health, education and guidance to prepare their future for successive generations, and to live in a safe and sustainable environment in harmony with each other and with the world around them. In this book, we bring research about smoking and pollution and its effect on childhood asthma, the issue of childhood obesity and the importance of food, not only for survival, but also for good health.
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Wymiary (mm)
180.00 x 260.00
Waga (g)
  • Break the Cycle; Environmental Health Disparities in Vulnerable Children; Second-hand Smoke Exposure in Children; Smoke Exposure Associated with Increased Prevalence of Dental Caries; The Impact of Third-hand Smoke Education in a Pediatric Emergency Department on Caregiver Smoking; Traffic-Related Air Pollution & Pediatric Asthma; Low-Income & Minority Children with Asthma; Peer-Teaching & Dramatic Play to Increase Asthma Awareness; Laws Affecting the Built Environments of Low-Income & Minority Children with Obesity; The Relationship of BMI to Menarche; Obesity Intervention Strategies & the Built Environment; Urinary Concentrations of Dichlorophenol Pesticides & Obesity in Children; Fresh Food in Vulnerable Communities; Organic Food Purchases among University Students; Foreign Food Aid Initiatives Addressing Child Malnutrition & the Future of United States Food Aid Policy; About the Editors; About the Innovative Solutions for Disadvantage & Disability; About the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU); About the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development in Israel; About the Book Series Pediatrics, Child & Adolescent Health; Index.
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