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Human Developmental Research: Experience from Research in Hong Kong

Human Developmental Research: Experience from Research in Hong Kong

900,84 zł
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Human development research commonly addresses the what, when, how, why, who, and where of human development. For example, with reference to the development of resilience in adolescence, researchers often ask what are the components of resilience (what), their development at different time points (when), and the related trajectories (how). Researchers also attempt to understand factors influencing resilience (why) in different adolescents (who) in different cultures (where). In many adolescent research studies, researchers are interested in asking questions about relationships among developmental events and concepts, such as the relationship between the family environment and resilience. Besides, research questions regarding differences are raised by researchers, such as differences between early adolescents and late adolescents on resilience, and differences in resilience in Chinese and African adolescents. Against this background we present in this book several chapters on the statistical analyses in human development research using real-life datasets based on the positive youth development project (P.A.T.H.S.) in Hong Kong in a pioneer attempt using different Chinese contexts with the wish that we can facilitate Chinese researchers to understand human development research and understand more about statistical analyses.
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Rok wydania
Numer wydania
Liczba stron
Wymiary (mm)
180.00 x 260.00
Waga (g)
  • Introduction; Use of Structural Equation Modeling in Human Development Research; Application of SPSS Linear Mixed Methods to Adolescent Development Research:: Basic Concepts & Steps; How to Plot Growth Curves Based on SPSS Output? Illustrations Based on a Study on Adolescent Development; Confirmatory Factor Analysis Using AMOS:: A Demonstration; Testing Factorial Invariance Across Groups:: An Illustration Using AMOS; The Use of Confirmatory Factor Analyses in Adolescent Research:: Project P.A.T.H.S. in Hong Kong; Family Functioning, Positive Youth Development & Internet Addiction in Junior Secondary School Students:: Structural Equation Models Using AMOS; Using Structural Equation Modeling to Examine Consumption of Pornographic Materials in Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong; Intention to Engage in Sexual Behavior:: Influence of Family Functioning & Positive Youth Development Over Time; Objective Outcome Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Program in China; Subjective Outcome Evaluation of the Training Program of the Project P.A.T.H.S.:: Findings Based on the Revised Training Program; Subjective Outcome Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Program in China; The Chinese Adolescent Materialism Scale:: Psychometric Properties & Normative Profiles; The Chinese Adolescent Egocentrism Scale:: Psychometric Properties & Normative Profiles; Index.
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