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Positive Youth Development: A New School Curriculum to Tackle Adolescent Developmental Issues

Positive Youth Development: A New School Curriculum to Tackle Adolescent Developmental Issues

900,84 zł
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A team of researchers from five universities in Hong Kong have constructed a comprehensive positive youth development package for junior secondary school students in Hong Kong. This project is called P.A.T.H.S. (Positive Adolescent Training through Holistic Social Programs) and the package focuses on various aspects of positive youth development used by more than 250 secondary schools in Hong Kong. Research has been performed on the effectiveness and educational implications of the teaching package, which opened a new page of study in the field of whole-person education and youth education in Chinese societies. In view of the data collected so far, the teaching package is well received by students, teachers and educators in Hong Kong. The new curriculum covered in this book is closely related to the emerging adolescent developmental issues in Hong Kong and the global contexts.
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Rok wydania
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Wymiary (mm)
230.00 x 155.00
Waga (g)
  • Preface; Introduction:: A new curriculum in response to adolescent developmental issues; A brief overview of adolescent developmental problems in Hong Kong; Development of a new curriculum in a positive youth development program; Construction of an integrated positive youth development conceptual framework for the prevention of the use of psychotropic drugs among adolescents; Importance of emotional competence in designing an anti-drug education curriculum for junior secondary school students in Hong Kong; Parent engagement in youth drug prevention in Chinese families:: Advancement in program development & evaluation.
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