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Adolescence: Bicycle & Helmet Use of Adolescents & Young Adults

Adolescence: Bicycle & Helmet Use of Adolescents & Young Adults

573,24 zł
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Sport and recreation is a positive influence on the lives of children and youths. Bicycling is great for human health and getting/keeping in shape. It can be a part of physical activities or it can be a means of transportation. However, there are also risks, and bicycle accidents happen and can cause serious injury. Helmet use can substantially reduce the risks associated with bicycle injuries, as these protective devices can prevent an array of serious facial and cranial injuries. In this book, the authors present survey studies conducted in various settlements around the world, looking into the bicycle and helmet use of adolescents and young adults.
Szczegóły produktu


Rok wydania
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Wymiary (mm)
155.00 x 230.00
Waga (g)
  • Introduction; Cyclists:: The Importance of Helmet Use; Bicycle Helmet Use:: The Survey & Survey Instrument; Helmet Use of Adolescent Cyclists at Crescent School in Toronto, Canada; Helmet Use of Adolescents in Markham, Canada; Helmet Use of Adolescents in Toronto, Canada; Helmet Use of Adolescents at De La Salle College Oaklands in Toronto, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in London, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in Waterloo, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in St Catherines, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in Toronto, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in Kingston, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in Hamilton, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in Guelph, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in Montreal, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in Saskatoon, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in Halifax, Canada; Helmet Use of Young Adults in New York State, USA; Helmet Use of Young Adults in Dublin, Ireland; Helmet Use of Young Adults in California, USA; Bicycle & Helmet Use of Young Adults & Adolescents:: A Meta-Analysis; Index.
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