Practice Management Consultant-A Compendium of Articles from Practice Management Online covers a wide variety of issues that impact the daily management of pediatric practices. In many ways, pediatric practices are in a state of economic crisis in a rapidly changing healthcare environment. From vaccine payment and supply issues to competition from large-scale retail-based clinics, pediatric practices both large and small are facing many business issues and constraints. This essential practice reference includes key practice management resources and guidance. Contents Include:: Getting Started/Practice Basics, Office Operations, Business Considerations and Contracts, Employment/Personnel, Finance and Payment, Medical Liability and Risk Management, Patient Management, Quality Improvement, Medical Home, Physician Health/Wellness, Career Transitions, Appendices and Forms, including Supplies Needed to Start a Practice, Sample Employee Handbook Outline, Staff Evaluations:: Guidelines and Instructions, Staff Evaluations:: Template, Sample Financial Policy, Patient Survey, Parental Refusal to Vaccinate Form, Local List of Possible Community Resources for Pediatric Practices, Sample Waiver or Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN), Template Letter:: Appeal to Payers for Payment, Template Letter:: Unable to Continue Medical Care, Template Letter:: Outstanding Patient Account Balance, Template Letter:: Notification of Retirement or Closing a Practice, and more.