As more and more early childhood programs implement response to intervention, the Individual Growth and Development Indicators (IGDIs) will be the tool of choice for fast, reliable, and ongoing progress monitoring. Thats why every program needs this book, the only quick guide to conducting the popular IGDIs accurately and efficiently. Bringing complete information on the IGDIs together in one convenient, expertly organized volume, this book gives early childhood professionals specific, in-depth guidance on understanding and using all five of the IGDI tools:: communication, cognitive problem solving, early movement, social development, and parent-child interaction. This book also helps early childhood professionals deepen their knowledge of child development in each of the five critical areas the IGDIs cover. Theyll get concise, research-based summaries of what we know about how children develop skills in each area, how those skills affect broader child outcomes, and how the IGDI tools were custom-developed to screen each area effectively and detect small increments of progress. A must for all infant-toddler and preschool specialists, this book will be in constant use in Early Head Start and Part C programs across the country. Professionals will keep this one-and-only guide to IGDI administration close at hand as they track progress, target interventions, and ensure measurable improvements in child outcomes.