The foremost text in pediatric nursing, this book retains in its eighth edition the qualities that have contributed to its great success. As always, readers can count on the information to be highly accurate, thoroughly updated, comprehensive, and remarkably readable. Students will find the books appearance highly appealing with superior illustrations and a beautiful full-color design throughout, making key information in the text easy to find. Instructors will appreciate the comprehensive package of ancillary materials, making teaching from the text a delight!
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PART 1 - Child Health Promotion and Maintenance Unit I - Children, Their Families, and the Nurse 1. Perspectives of Pediatric Nursing 2. Social, Cultural, and Religious Influences on Child Health Promotion 3. Family Influences on Child Health Promotion 4. Community-Based Nursing Care of the Child and Family 5. Hereditary Influences on Health Promotion of the Child and FamilyUnit II - Assessment of the Child and Family 6. Communication and Physical and Developmental Assessment of the Child 7. Pain Assessment and Management in ChildrenUnit III - Family-Centered Care of the Newborn 8. Health Promotion of the Newborn and Family 9. Health Problems of the Newborn 10. The High-Risk Newborn and Family 11. Conditions Caused by Defects in Physical DevelopmentUnit IV - Family-Centered Care of the Infant 12. Health Promotion of the Infant and Family 13. Health Problems During InfancyUnit V - Family-Centered Care of the Young Child 14. Health Promotion of the Toddler and Family 15. Health Promotion of the Preschooler and Family 16. Health Problems of Early ChildhoodUnit VI - Family-Centered Care of the School-Age Child 17. Health Promotion of the School-Age Child and Family 18. Health Problems of Middle ChildhoodUnit VII - Family-Centered Care of the Adolescent 19. Health Promotion of the Adolescent and Family 20. Physical Health Problems of Adolescence 21. Behavioral Health Problems of AdolescenceUnit VIII - Family-Centered Care of the Child with Special Needs 22. Family-Centered Care of the Child with Chronic Illness or Disability 23. Family-Centered End-Of-Life Care 24. The Child with Cognitive, Sensory, or Communication Impairment 25. Family-Centered Home CarePART 2 - Nursing Care of the Ill or Hospitalized Child Unit IX - The Child who is Hospitalized 26. Family-Centered Care of the Child During Illness and Hospitalization 27. Pediatric Variations of Nursing InterventionsUnit X - The Child with Disturbance of Fluid and Electrolytes 28. Balance and Imbalance of Body Fluids 29. Conditions that Produce Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance 30. The Child with Renal DysfunctionUnit XI - The Child with Problems Related to Transfer of Oxygen and Nutrients 31. The Child with Disturbance of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Exchange 32. The Child with Respiratory Dysfunction 33. The Child with Gastrointestinal DysfunctionUnit XII - The Child with Problems Related to Production and Circulation of Blood 34. The Child with Cardiovascular Dysfunction 35. The Child with Hematologic or Immunologic DysfunctionUnit XIII - The Child with Disturbance of Regulatory Mechanisms 36. The Child with Cancer 37. The Child with Cerebral Dysfunction 38. The Child with Endocrine DysfunctionUnit XIV - The Child with a Problem that Interferes with Physical Mobility 39. The Child with Musculoskeletal or Articular Dysfunction 40. The Child with Neuromuscular or Muscular DysfunctionAppendixes A. Family Assessment B. Developmental/Sensory Assessment C. Growth Measurements D. Common Laboratory Tests E. NANDA-Approved Nursing Diagnoses F. Translations of FACES Pain Rating Scale G. Spanish-English Translations H. Dietary Reference Intakes