The new edition of this popular handbook gives an authoritative, informative and accessible account of key areas of child protection practice. Covering research, policy and practice it is relevant to all professionals working in child care.
No other book on child protection offers such comprehensive coverage of policy and practice. It provides research findings in all areas of child abuse, latest policies and indications of good practice, plus specialist chapters for different professionals. Chapters have been contributed by known experts in the field, both distinguished academics and practitioners. By combining the latest factual information with sophisticated analysis, it is the ideal course text for child protection programmes as well as meeting the needs of more experienced practitioners, academics and trainers.
Safeguarding children: a socio-historical analysis. Patterns and outcomes. Child abuse: defining, understanding and intervening. Child sexual abuse: who are the perpetrators? Common forms and consequences of child abuse. Issues of gender. Issues of culture. Issues of ethnicity. Safeguarding children with disabilities. Abuse in institutional settings
Section 2 Managing the process of safeguarding children
Child protection in the international and domestic civil legal context. Making enquiries under Section 47 of the Children Act 1989. Safeguarding children: the assessment challenges. Safeguarding children and integrated childrens services. Safeguarding children and case conferences. Health practitioners and safeguarding children. Safeguarding children in education. Child protection proceedings in court. The work of the childrens guardian. Child protection and the criminal justice system
Section 3 Intervention in safeguarding children
Partnership with parents. Individual work with children. Non-directive play therapy with children and adolescents who have been maltreated. Parenting issues and practice in safeguarding children. Working with abusing families. Working with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: trauma, attachment and the search for meaning. Out-of-home care for the abused or neglected child: a review of the knowledge base for planning and practice. Safeguarding children: the managers perspective. Where are we now? Themes and future directions