PEDIATRICS:: A PRIMARY CARE APPROACH, 2/e is a well-organized discussion of the most common issues, both clinical and psychosocial, of general pediatrics. The book covers a wide scope of topics, from those as benign as thumb-sucking to those as devastating as HIV and childhood cancer. A case scenario opens each chapter to se the stage for a practical discussion of primary care pediatrics. This state-of-the-art reference emphasizes concepts in health promotion, illness prevention, and family and community participation. Well-child care for normal children and adolescents, premature infants and children with specific needs such as patients with Downs Syndrome is also included. Signs and symptoms are presented by body system for a logical approach.
Primary Care: Skills and Concepts Health Maintenance and Anticipatory Guidance Acute and Emergent Problems Head, Neck, and Respiratory System Hematologic Disorders Cardiovascular System Genitourinary Disorders Orthopedic Disorders Gastrointestinal Disorders
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