This issue is devoted to comprehensively reviewing the allergic responses specific to pediatric patients. The articles focus on areas of pediatric allergy that have seen significant advances over the past few years, making it a valuable update for all practicing immunologists and allergists. Articles include reviews on allergic inflammatory response, the atopic march, the hygiene hypothesis, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, cognitive consequences of allergic disease, and many more.
1. The Ontogeny of the Allergic Inflammatory Response (Ownby) 2. The Hygiene Hypothesis Revisited (Gern) 3. Allergic Rhinoconjunctivtis: Epidemiology (Phipatanakul) 4. Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis: Treatment (Stokes) 5. Cognitive Consequences of Allergic Disease (Bender) 6. Sinusitis (Zacharisen) 7. Food Allergy (Burks) 8. Anaphylaxis: Drug Allergy, Insect Stings, and Latex (Kelly) 9. Psychological Impact of Allergic Disease: Why Children Are not Little Adults (Slattery) 10. Urticaria and Angioedema (Dinakar) 11. The Atopic March (Bacharier) 12. Atopic Dermatitis: Beyond the Itch that Rashes (Boguniewicz) 13. Allergy Immunotherapy for Children: First Do No Harm (Moss)
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