Updated to reflect the new 2005 emergency cardiovascular care guidelines! Popular author, Barbara Aehlert, incorporates both prehospital and hospital management of pediatric emergencies. In a concise, easy-to-read outline format, it provides the most essential information a provider needs. It is also the approved text for the American Safety & Health Institutes (ASHI)pediatric advanced life support course. For more information on ASHI courses, call 800-246-5101 or visit www.ashinstitute.org. Instructor resources available; contact your sales representative for details.
Pretest Chapter 1 Chain of Survival and Emergency Medical Services for Children Chapter 2 Patient Assessment Chapter 3 Respiratory Distress and Respiratory Failure Chapter 4 Respiratory Interventions Chapter 5 Cardiovascular Emergencies Chapter 6 Cardiovascular Interventions Chapter 7 Fluids and Medications Chapter 8 Trauma and Burns Chapter 9 Toxicological Emergencies Chapter 10 Death of an Infant or Child Chapter 11 Children with Special Healthcare Needs Chapter 12 Resuscitation of the Newly Born Post-test Glossary Index
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