Be on call with confidence! Successfully managing on-call situations requires a masterful combination of speed, skill, and knowledge. The pocket-sized titles in the On Call series provide you with immediate access to the vital, step-by-step information you need to rise to the occasion! When youre on call...alone...in the middle of the night...theyre your answer books for what to do and how to do it quickly-from diagnosing a difficult or life-threatening situation to prescribing the right medication.
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123 x 186
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Introduction 1. The Diagnosis and Management of On-Call Problems 2. Communicating With Colleagues 3. Communication With Families 4. Access: A Challenge, Not a Crisis 5. Common MistakesPatient-Related Problems 6. Abdominal Pain 7. Altered Mental Status 8. Analgesics and Antipyretics 9. Bleeding 10. Chest Pain 11. Constipation 12. Crying and the Irritable Infant 13. Cyanosis 14. Delivery Room Problems 15. Diarrhea and Dehydration 16. Extremity Pain 17. Eyes and Visual Abnormalities 18. Fever 19. Gastrointestinal Bleeding 20. Headache 21. Heart Rate and Rhythm Abnormalities 22. Hematuria 23. Hypertension 24. Hypotension and Shock 25. Lines, Tubes, and Drains 26. Rashes 27. Respiratory Distress 28. Seizures 29. Urine Output Abnormalities 30. VomitingLaboratory-Related Problems 31. Acidosis and Alkalosis 32. Anemia, Thrombocytopenia, and Coagulation Abnormalities 33. Electrolyte Abnormalities 34. Glucose Disorders 35. HyperbilirubinemiaAppendices A. Pediatric Procedures B. Posteroanterior and Lateral Projections of Chest X-Ray C. The Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve of Normal Blood D. Calculation of Creatinine Clearance (CrCl) E. Calculation of Alveolar-Arterial Oxygen Gradient F. Blood Tubes G. Assessment of Neonatal Maturity (Ballard Score) H. Body Surface Nomogram I. Heart Rate Table J. Blood Pressure Nomogram K. Normal Values and SI Units On Call Formulary Index