This book covers all neoplasms of the central and peripheral nervous systems and their immediate coverings, together with tumours of associated intracranial and spinal structures. Non-neoplastic space-occupying lesions such as cysts, vascular malformations and infective lesions will also be included. The layout of chapters and topics will be orientated around practical diagnostic considerations. The revised WHO classification for CNS tumours are used throughout.
Background information on diagnostic and investigative techniques in neuropathology make this an accessible book to all those interested in pathology and neuropathology; a knowledge of basic histopathology will be assumed throughout. Enough information will be included in each section to cater for the interests of clinicians and non-medical personnel working in the field of neuro-oncology.
A consistency of structure and adequate cross-referencing and indexing as well as a wealth of illustrations, including line diagrams, photographs of macroscopic specimens, electron micrographs and immunoperoxidase preparations in addition to standard histology , make this text easily accessible. A problem-orientated approach to differential diagnosis makes this book likely to be a well used reference.