The Hospice Companion is a guide to the processes of care during the intensive, interpersonal experiences of hospice work. This resource highlights the mission and values of modern-day hospice through the individual and combined efforts of the fields most valuable asset, the hospice professional. This easy-to-navigate clinical decision support tool for caregivers of those with life-limiting illnesses allows for personal and professional growth and a deeply gratifying senseof accomplishment as they proceed in the all-important work of caring for the dying. The fourth edition of The Hospice Companion features a thoroughly current guide to clinical processes and symptom management, providing hospice professionals with a concise summary of changes that have influenced clinicalpractice over the last several years.
1. General Processes; Palliative Care at the End of Life: Blending Structure and Function; The Interdisciplinary Team (IDT); Documentation; 2. Personal, Social, and Environmental Processes; Abuse in the Home; Advance Care Planning and Directives for Health-Care Interventions; Changes in Body Image and Loss of Independence; Changes in Family Dynamics; Completing Worldly Business and Life Closure; Controlled Substances: Misuse and Abuse; Cultural Differences: Respect, Understanding, and Adapting Care; Denial; Grief Reactions; Living Environment, Finances, and Support Systems; Basic Home Safety; Suicide: Risk Assessment, Prevention, and Coping If It Happens; 3. Clinical Processes and Symptom Management; Agitation and Anxiety; Air Hunger (Dyspnea); Anorexia and Cachexia; Belching and Burping (Eructation); Bleeding, Draining, and Malodorous Lesions; Confusion/Delirium; Constipation; Coughing; Depression; Diarrhea and Anorectal Problems; Dysphagia and Oropharyngeal Problems; Edema: Peripheral Edema, Ascites, and Lymphedema; Fatigue, Weakness (Aesthenia), and Excessive Sedation; Fever, Flushing, and Diaphoresis; Hiccups (Singultus); Imminent Death; Insomnia and Nocturnal Restlessness; Nausea and Vomiting; Pain; Pruritus; Seizures; Skeletal Muscle and Bladder Spasms; Skin Breakdown: Prevention and Treatment; Urinary Problems; Xerostomia (Dry Mouth); 4. Appendices; Appendix 1: Ketamine Protocol; Appendix 2: Clinical/Functional Assessment and Staging; Appendix 3: Lidocaine Infusions for Refractory Neuropathic Pain; Appendix 4: Cannabis and Cannabinoids;
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