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Waldman: Pain Review, 2nd edition
1. Overview of the Cranial Nerves
2. The Olfactory Nerve-Cranial Nerve I
3. The Optic Nerve-Cranial Nerve II
4. The Oculomotor Nerve-Cranial Nerve III
5. The Trochlear Nerve-Cranial Nerve IV
6. The Trigeminal Nerve-Cranial Nerve V
7. The Abducens Nerve-Cranial Nerve VI
8. The Facial Nerve-Cranial Nerve VII
9. The Vestibulocochlear Nerve- Cranial Nerve VIII
10. The Glossopharyngeal Nerve- Cranial Nerve IX
11. The Vagus Nerve-Cranial Nerve X
12. The Spinal Accessory Nerve- Cranial Nerve XI
13. The Hypoglossal Nerve- Cranial Nerve XII
14. The Sphenopalatine Ganglion
15. The Greater and Lesser Occipital Nerves
16. The Temporomandibular Joint
17. The Superficial Cervical Plexus
18. The Deep Cervical Plexus
19. The Stellate Ganglion
20. The Cervical Vertebrae
21. Functional Anatomy of the Cervical Intervertebral Disc
22. The Cervical Dermatomes
23. The Meninges
24. The Cervical Epidural Space
25. The Cervical Facet Joints
26. The Third Occipital Nerve
27. The Ligaments of the Cervical Spine
28. Functional Anatomy of the Thoracic Vertebrae
29. The Thoracic Dermatomes
30. Functional Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine
31. Functional Anatomy of the Lumbar Intervertebral Disc
32. Functional Anatomy of the Sacrum
33. The Brachial Plexus
34. The Musculocutaneous Nerve
35. The Ulnar Nerve
36. The Median Nerve
37. The Radial Nerve
38. Functional Anatomy of the Shoulder Joint
39. The Acromioclavicular Joint
40. The Subdeltoid Bursa
41. The Biceps Tendon
42. Functional Anatomy of the Rotator Cuff
43. The Supraspinatus Muscle
44. The Infraspinatus Muscle
45. The Subscapularis Muscle
46. The Teres Minor Muscle
47. The Subcoracoid Bursa
48. Functional Anatomy of the Elbow Joint
49. The Olecranon Bursa
50. The Radial Nerve at the Elbow
51. The Cubital Tunnel
52. The Anterior Interosseous Nerve
53. The Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve
54. Functional Anatomy of the Wrist
55. The Carpal Tunnel
56. The Ulnar Tunnel
57. The Carpometacarpal Joint
58. The Carpometacarpal Joints of the Fingers
59. The Metocarpophalangeal Joints
60. The Interphalangeal Joints
61. The Intercostal Nerves
62. The Thoracic Sympathetic Chain and Ganglia
63. The Splanchnic Nerves
64. The Celiac Plexus
65. The Lumbar Sympathetic Nerves and Ganglia
66. The Lumbar Plexus
67. The Sciatic Nerve
68. The Femoral Nerve
69. The Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
70. The Ilioinguinal Nerve
71. The Iliohypogastric Nerve
72. The Genitofemoral Nerve
73. The Obturator Nerve
74. The Hypogastric Plexus and Nerves
75. The Ganglion of Impar
76. The Tibial Nerve
77. The Common Peroneal Nerve
78. Functional Anatomy of the Hip
79. The Ischial Bursa
80. The Gluteal Bursa
81. The Trochanteric Bursa
82. Functional Anatomy of the Sacroiliac Joint
83. Functional Anatomy of the Knee
84. The Suprapatellar Bursa
85. The Prepatellar Bursa
86. The Superficial Infrapatellar Bursa
87. The Deep Infrapatellar Bursa
88. The Pes Anserine Bursa
89. The Iliotibial Band Bursa
90. Functional Anatomy of the Ankle and Foot
91. The Deltoid Ligament
92. The Anterior Talofibular Ligament
93. The Anterior Tarsal Tunnel
94. The Posterior Tarsal Tunnel
95. The Achilles Tendon
96. The Achilles Bursa
97. The Spinal Cord-Gross Anatomy
98. The Spinal Cord-Gross-Sectional Anatomy
99. Organization of the Spinal Cord
100. The Spinal Nerves-Organizational and Anatomic Considerations
101. The Spinal Reflex Arc
102. The Posterior Column Pathway
103. The Spinothalamic Pathway
104. The Spinocerebellar Pathway
105. The Pyramidal System
106. The Extrapyramidal System
107. The Sympathetic Division of the Autonomic Nervous System
108. The Parasympathetic Division of the Autonomic Nervous System
109. The Relationship Between the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
110. Functional Anatomy of the Nociceptors
111. Functional Anatomy of the Thermoreceptors
112. Functional Anatomy of the Mechanoreceptors
113. Functional Anatomy of the Chemoreceptors
114. Functional Anatomy of the Dorsal Root Ganglia and Dorsal Horn
115. The Gate Control Theory
116. The Cerebrum
117. The Thalamus
118. The Hypothalamus
119. The Mesencephalon
120. The Pons
121. The Cerebellum
122. The Medulla Oblongata
123. Tension-Type Headache
124. Migraine Headache
125. Cluster Headache
126. Pseudotumor Cerebri
127. Analgesic Rebound Headache
128. Trigeminal Neuralgia
129. Temporal Arteritis
130. Ocular Pain
131. Otalgia
132. Pain Involving the Nose, Sinuses, and Throat
133. Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
134. Atypical Facial Pain
135. Occipital Neuralgia
136. Cervical Radiculopathy
137. Cervical Strain
138. Cervicothoracic Interspinous Bursitis
139. Fibromyalgia of the Cervical Musculature
140. Cervical Facet Syndrome
141. Intercostal Neuralgia
142. Thoracic Radiculopathy
143. Costosternal Syndrome
144. Manubriosternal Joint Syndrome
145. Thoracic Vertebral Compression Fracture
146. Lumbar Radiculopathy
147. Sacroiliac Joint Pain
148. Coccydynia
149. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy of the Face
150. Post-Dural Puncture Headache
151. Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia
152. Spasmodic Torticollis
153. Brachial Plexopathy
154. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
155. Pancoasts Tumor Syndrome
156. Tennis Elbow
157. Golfers Elbow
158. Radial Tunnel Syndrome
159. Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the Elbow
160. Anterior Interosseous Syndrome
161. Olecranon Bursitis
162. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
163. Cheiralgia Paresthetica
164. de Quervains Tenosynovitis
165. Dupuytrens Contracture
166. Diabetic Truncal Neuropathy
167. Tietzes Syndrome
168. Post-Thoracotomy Pain Syndrome
169. Postmastectomy Pain
170. Acute Herpes Zoster of the Thoracic Dermatomes
171. Postherpetic Neuralgia
172. Epidural Abscess
173. Spondylolisthesis
174. Ankylosing Spondylitis
175. Acute Pancreatitis
176. Chronic Pancreatitis
177. Ilioinguinal Neuralgia
178. Iliohypogastric Neuralgia
179. Genitofemoral Neuralgia
180. Meralgia Paresthetica
181. Spinal Stenosis
182. Arachnoiditis
183. Orchialgia
184. Vulvodynia
185. Proctalgia Fugax
186. Osteitis Pubis
187. Piriformis Syndrome
188. Arthritis Pain of the Hip
189. Femoral Neuropathy
190. Phantom Limb Pain
191. Trochanteric Bursitis
192. Arthritis Pain of the Knee
193. Bakers Cyst of the Knee
194. Bursitis Syndromes of the Knee
195. Anterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
196. Posterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
197. Achilles Tendinitis
198. Metatarsalgia
199. Plantar Fasciitis
200. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
201. Rheumatoid Arthritis
202. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
203. Scleroderma-Systemic Sclerosis
204. Polymyositis
205. Polymyalgia Rheumatica
206. Central Pain States
207. Conversion Disorder
208. Munchausen Syndrome
209. Thermal Injuries
210. Electrical Injuries
211. Cancer Pain
212. Multiple Sclerosis
213. Post-Polio Syndrome
214. Guillain-Barre´ Syndrome
215. Sickle Cell Disease
216. Dependence, Tolerance, and Addiction
217. Placebo and Nocebo
218. Radiography
219. Nuclear Scintigraphy
220. Computed Tomography
221. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
222. Discography
223. Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies
224. Evoked Potential Testing
225. Pain Assessment Tools for Adults
226. Pain Assessment Tools for Children and the Elderly
227. Atlanto-occipital Block Technique
228. Atlantoaxial Block
229. Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block
230. Greater and Lesser Occipital Nerve Block
231. Gasserian Ganglion Block
232. Trigeminal Nerve Block-Coronoid Approach
233. Supraorbital Nerve Block
234. Supratrochlear Nerve Block
235. Infraorbital Nerve Block
236. Mental Nerve Block
237. Temporomandibular Joint Injection
238. Glossopharyngeal Nerve Block
239. Vagus Nerve Block
240. Spinal Accessory Nerve Block
241. Phrenic Nerve Block
242. Facial Nerve Block
243. Superficial Cervical Plexus Block
244. Deep Cervical Plexus Block
245. Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Block
246. Stellate Ganglion Block
247. Radiofrequency Lesioning of the Stellate Ganglion
248. Cervical Facet Block
249. Radiofrequency Lesioning of the Cervical Medial Branch
250. Cervical Epidural Block-Translaminar Approach
251. Cervical Selective Nerve Root Block
252. Brachial Plexus Block
253. Suprascapular Nerve Block
254. Radial Nerve Block at the Elbow
255. Median Nerve Block at the Elbow
256. Ulnar Nerve Block at the Elbow
257. Radial Nerve Block at the Wrist
258. Median Nerve Block at the Wrist
259. Ulnar Nerve Block at the Wrist
260. Metacarpal and Digital Nerve Block
261. Intravenous Regional Anesthesia
262. Injection Technique for Intra-articular Injection of the Shoulder
263. Injection Technique for Subdeltoid Bursitis Pain
264. Injection Technique for Intra-articular Injection of the Elbow
265. Injection Technique for Tennis Elbow
266. Injection Technique for Golfers Elbow
267. Injection Technique for Olecranon Bursitis Pain
268. Injection Technique for Cubital Bursitis Pain
269. Technique for Intra-articular Injection of the Wrist Joint
270. Technique for Intra-articular Injection of the Inferior Radioulnar Joint
271. Injection Technique for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
272. Injection Technique for Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome
273. Technique for Intra-articular Injection of the Carpometacarpal Joint of the Thumb
274. Intra-articular Injection of the Carpometacarpal Joint of the Fingers
275. Intra-articular Injection of the Metacarpophalangeal Joints
276. Intra-articular Injection of the Interphalangeal Joints
277. Thoracic Epidural Block
278. Thoracic Paravertebral Block
279. Thoracic Facet Block
280. Thoracic Sympathetic Block
281. Intercostal Nerve Block
282. Radiofrequency Lesioning-Intercostal Nerves
283. Interpleural Nerve Block
284. Sternoclavicular Joint Injection
285. Suprascapular Nerve Block
286. Costosternal Joint Injection
287. Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Block
288. Injection Technique for Lumbar Myofascial Pain Syndrome
289. Splanchnic Nerve Block
290. Celiac Plexus Block
291. Ilioinguinal Nerve Block
292. Iliohypogastric Nerve Block
293. Genitofemoral Nerve Block
294. Lumbar Sympathetic Ganglion Block
295. Radiofrequency Lesioning-Lumbar Sympathetic Ganglion
296. Lumbar Paravertebral Block
297. Lumbar Facet Block
298. Lumbar Epidural Block
299. Lumbar Subarachnoid Block
300. Caudal Epidural Nerve Block
301. Lysis of Epidural Adhesions: Racz Technique
302. Sacral Nerve Block
303. Hypogastric Plexus Block
304. Ganglion of Walther (Impar) Block
305. Pudendal Nerve Block
306. Sacroiliac Joint Injection
307. Intra-articular Injection of the Hip Joint
308. Injection Technique for Ischial Bursitis
309. Injection Technique for Gluteal Bursitis
310. Injection Technique for Psoas Bursitis
311. Injection Technique for Iliopectineal Bursitis
312. Injection Technique for Trochanteric Bursitis
313. Injection Technique for Meralgia Paresthetica
314. Injection Technique for Piriformis Syndrome
315. Lumbar Plexus Block
316. Femoral Nerve Block
317. Obturator Nerve Block
318. Sciatic Nerve Block
319. Tibial Nerve Block at the Knee
320. Tibial Nerve Block at the Ankle
321. Saphenous Nerve Block at the Knee
322. Common Peroneal Nerve Block at the Knee
323. Deep Peroneal Nerve Block at the Ankle
324. Superficial Peroneal Nerve Block at the Ankle
325. Sural Nerve Block at the Ankle
326. Metatarsal and Digital Nerve Block at the Ankle
327. Intra-articular Injection of the Knee
328. Injection Technique for Suprapatellar Bursitis
329. Prepatellar Bursitis
330. Injection Technique for Superficial Infrapatellar Bursitis
331. Injection Technique for Deep Infrapatellar Bursitis
332. Intra-articular Injection of the Ankle Joint
333. Intra-articular Injection of the Toe Joints
334. Lumbar Subarachnoid Neurolytic Block
335. Lumbar Discography
336. Vertebroplasty
337. Spinal Cord Stimulation
338. Totally Implantable Infusion Pumps
339. The Physiologic Effects of Therapeutic Heat
340. Therapeutic Cold
341. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
342. Acupuncture
343. Biofeedback
344. Local Anesthetics
345. Chemical Neurolytic Agents
346. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and the COX-2 Inhibitors
347. Opioid Analgesics
348. Antidepressants
349. Anticonvulsants
350. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
351. The Parturient and Nursing Mother
352. The Pediatric Patient with Headaches
353. The Pediatric Patient with Pain
354. Pain in the Older Adult
355. Informed Consent and Consent to Treatment
356. Patient Confidentiality
357. Prescribing Controlled Substances
358. Prevention of Drug Diversion, Abuse, and Dependence
Review Questions and Answers