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Trigger Point Dry Needling
An Evidence and Clinical-Based Approach
Wybierz Paczkomat Inpost, Orlen Paczkę, DPD, Pocztę, email (dla ebooków). Kliknij po więcej
Zapłać szybkim przelewem, kartą płatniczą lub za pobraniem. Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
Jeżeli jesteś konsumentem możesz zwrócić towar w ciągu 14 dni*. Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
This exciting new publication is the first authoritative resource on the market with an exclusive focus on Trigger Point dry needling (TrP). It provides a detailed and up-to-date scientific perspective against which TrP dry needling can be best understood.
The first section of the book covers important topics such as the current understanding and neurophysiology of the TrP phenomena, safety and hygiene, the effect of needling on fascia and connective tissue, and an account on professional issues surrounding TrP dry needling. The second section includes a detailed and well-illustrated review of deep dry needling techniques of the most common muscles throughout the body. The third section of the book describes several other needling approaches, such as superficial dry needling, dry needling from a Western Acupuncture perspective, intramuscular stimulation, and Fus subcutaneous needling.
Trigger Point Dry Needling brings together authors who are internationally recognized specialists in the field of myofascial pain and dry needling.
- Rok wydania
- 2013
- Numer wydania
- 1
- Oprawa
- twarda
- Liczba stron
- 280
- Wymiary (mm)
- 195 x 252
- Waga (g)
- 760
Dedication Foreword by Leon Chaitow Foreword by Robert D. Gerwin Preface Acknowledgements Contributors
PART 1 Basis of trigger point dry needling Chapter 1 Basic concepts of myofascial trigger points (TrPs) César Fernández-de-las-Peńas, Jan Dommerholt
Chapter 2 Proposed mechanisms and effects of trigger point dry needling Jan Dommerholt, César Fernández-de-las-Peńas
Chapter 3 Part 1: Effects of acupuncture needling on connective tissue Helene M. Langevin Part 2: Fascia and dry needling Jan Dommerholt
Chapter 4 Trigger point dry needling: safety guidelines Johnson McEvoy
Chapter 5 Professional controversies and dry needling Jan Dommerholt
PART 2 Clinical and evidence-informed approach of TrP dry needling Chapter 6 Deep dry needling of the head and neck muscles César Fernández-de-las-Peńas, Ana Isabel-de-la-Llave-Rincón, Ricardo Ortega-Santiago, Bárbara Torres-Chica
Chapter 7 Deep dry needling of the shoulder muscles Carel Bron, Jo L.M. Franssen, Betty T.M. Beersma
Chapter 8 Deep dry needling of the arm and hand muscles César Fernández-de-las-Peńas, Javier González Iglesias, Christian Gröbli, Ricky Weissmann
Chapter 9 Deep dry needling of the trunk muscles Louise Kelley, Michelle Finnegan, Jan Dommerholt
Chapter 10 Deep dry needling of the hip, pelvis and thigh muscles Dawn Sandalcidi, Jan Dommerholt
Chapter 11 Deep dry needling of the leg and foot muscles Orlando Mayoral-del-Moral, María Torres-Lacomba
PART 3 Other dry needling approaches Chapter 12 Superficial dry needling Peter Baldry
Chapter 13 Dry needling from a Western medical acupuncture perspective Mike Cummings
Chapter 14 Intramuscular stimulation (IMS) Steven R. Goodman, Cory B. Choma
Chapter 15 Fus subcutaneous needling Zhonghua Fu, Li-Wei Chou
Często kupowane razem
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Powięź. Badanie, profilaktyka i terapia dysfunkcji sieci powięziowej
Autor: Leon Chaitow
Cena 159,90 zł Cena podstawowa 184,00 złCena 166,90 zł Cena podstawowa 184,80 złIndeks: 13690
Badanie palpacyjne układów mięśniowego i kostnego
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z uwzględnieniem punktów spustowych, stref odruchowych i stretchingu
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Mięśniowo-powięziowe punkty spustowe. Diagnostyka, terapia, działanie.
Autor: red. wyd. pol. Edward Saulicz
Cena 129,90 zł Cena podstawowa 148,00 złIndeks: 14290
Techniki powięziowe i membranowe
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