This new 2nd Edition provides revised and updated information on the latest pain procedures being performed in todays practices. The authors present a simple how- to approach for the various procedures discussed, ranging from soft tissue injections and casting to the newer peripheral nerve and spinal blocks used in pain management. This edition is much larger and more comprehensive than the 1st edition. The revised title is more indicative of the books contents and appeals to a wider range of medical specialties dealing with pain management. Many chapters have been expanded and either include additional or new authors. New chapters contain more in-depth discussions of drugs, radiation safety, complications, medicolegal issues, botulinum toxin injections, and radiofrequency procedures. The section on myofascial pain and trigger point injection provides greater detail on injection procedures. New radiographic photos are featured in the expanded spine injection section. Gross specimen comparisons are now included in the section on peripheral nerve injection.
I Fundamentals of Procedures Pharmacology of Common Drugs Procedural Complications:: Recognition & Management Concepts of Fluoroscopy Basic Principles of Neural Blockade Medico-legal Issues
II Rehabilitation Procedures Wound Management Adult & Pediatric Videofluoroscopy Urological Procedures Removable Rigid Dressings Serial Casting
III Peripheral Nerve Blocks Shoulder & Chest Wall Blocks Arm, Forearm % Hand Blocks Proximal Lower Extremity Blocks Leg, Foot, & Ankle Blocks Head, Face & Pelvic Blocks
IV Soft Tissue & Peripheral Joint Procedures Peripheral Joint Injections Tendon Sheath Injections Bursal Injections Trigger Point Injections Basics Of Medical Acupuncture Prolotherapy Botox Injections For Neurological Conditions Botox Injections For Pain
V Spinal Procedures Spinal Manipulation Cervical Discography Lumbar & Thoracic Discography Zygoapophyseal Joint Injections AA & AO Joint Injections Interventional Sympathetic Blockade Epidural Procedures For Pain Management Spinal Cord Stimulation In Chronic Pain Radiofrequency Procedures For Chronic Pain