This practical manual explains a comprehensive, alternative system of diagnosis and treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain. Medications and commonly available physical therapies often give only temporary relief. The success of the intramuscular stimulation method described here has led to a new model for chronic pain. The manual, and the techniques described in it, will be invaluable to those seeking a more effective physical modality for the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain.
PART 1 an OVERVIEW: an Introduction to Radiculopathic Pain. IMS: the Technique. Treating Chronic Pain. References for Part 1. PART 2 INTRAMUSCULAR STIMULATION in PRACTICE: Summary. Guidelines for Diagnosis. Treatment and Needle Technique. General Examination. Regional Examination and Specific Treatment: Cervical Spine. Upper Limb/ Back. Lower Limb. PART 3 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Musculoskeletal Pain of Spondylotic Origin. Table 1: Shortened Muscles in Common Syndromes. Table II: Segmental Innervation of Muscles. Sources of Supplies. Suggested Reading. Abbreviations for Commonly Treated Muscles. PART 4 APPENDICES: List of Appendices.
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