Divided into four sections, the first presents an overview of the etiology, epidemiology, immunopathogenesis, and clinical manifestations of HIV. Section II outlines the impact of pain in HIV infection. Section III reviews the anesthetic and perioperative considerations for HIV/AIDS patients. The final section integrates pain and its treatment into overall quality of life management for the HIV-infected population.
You can trust PAIN MANAGEMENT, ANESTHESIA, AND HIV/AIDS for the most comprehensive clinical guide on patient management and procedures in this rapidly growing area of study.
Section I: Medical Evaluation and Management of HIV/AIDS: Etiology, Transmission, Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS; Immunopathogenesis of HIV Infection; Clinical Manifestations of HIV Disease; Diagnosis and Laboratory Monitoring; Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV-Infected Patients; Resource Allocation and Financial Challenges in Treating HIV-Infected Patients in the United States; Section II: Pain Management in HIV: General Considerations and Approach to Pain Management; Pain Syndromes and their Etiologies in HIV; Postoperative Pain Management in the HIV-Infected Patient; Evaluating and Treating Pain in Patients with HIV/AIDS - An Overview; Intervention Techniques for the Alleviation of Pain in HIV-Infected Patients; Psychosocial Issues in AIDS-Related Pain; HIV and Rehabilitation; Ethical Issues in Pain Management and End-of-life Care in the AIDS Patient; Section III: Anesthesia and Perioperative Management of HIV/AIDS: AIDS and the Health Care Worker; Preoperative Evaluation of the HIV Positive Patient; Perioperative and Anesthetic Management of the HIV/AIDS Patient; HIV and Transfusion Considerations; Anesthetic Management of the HIV/AIDS Patient undergoing Ambulatory Surgery; Anesthesia for the Parturient with Human Immunodeficiency Virus; HIV Pediatric Considerations; Critical Care Issues for the HIV Patient; Section IV: Quality of Life Issues for HIV/AIDS Patients: Quality of Life
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