In this issue of Hand Clinics, guest editors Drs. Sami Tuffaha and Kevin Chung bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Peripheral Nerve Reconstruction. Our understanding of peripheral nerve function, anatomy, and regeneration has advanced greatly, but methods of reconstruction have remained largely unchanged. In this issue, top experts cover the modern surgical techniques that are most effective in properly treating patients who suffer from peripheral nerve injuries.
Compressive Neuropathies of the Upper Extremity: Anatomy for the Peripheral Nerve Surgeon Advances in Imaging of Compressive Neuropathies Physiology of Nerve Regeneration: Key Factors Affecting Clinical Outcomes Nerve Autograft: Preservation of a Lost Art Nerve Allografts: Current Utility and Future Directions Alternative Nerve Coaptations: End-To-Side and Beyond Bioengineered Nerve Conduits and Wraps Polyethylene Glycol-Fusion Repair of Peripheral Nerve Injuries Growth Factors to Enhance Nerve Regeneration: Approaching Clinical Translation Electrical Stimulation: How It Works and How to Apply It Therapeutic Electrical Stimulation for Surgeons: How it Works and How to Apply it Interpretation of Data from Translational Rodent Nerve Injury and Repair Models Evaluating Outcomes Following Nerve Repair: Beyond the Medical Research Council
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