In this issue of Foot and Ankle Clinics, guest editor Dr. James A. Nunley brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Updates in Hallux Rigidus. Top experts in the field provide updates on recent advancements in the field, including articles on basic anatomy and pathology, classification, and surgical procedures.
Hallux Rigidus: Anatomy and Pathology Classification and Radiology Hallux Rigidus: Update on Conservative Management Dorsal Cheilectomy Moberg and Moberg-Akin (‘Mo-Akin’) Osteotomies for Hallux Rigidus Interpositional Arthroplasty for Hallux Rigidus: Surgical Technique and Outcomes Discussion Managing Hallux Rigidus in the Elite Athlete Minimally Invasive Cheilectomy for Hallux Rigidus Cartiva: A Review of the Best Evidence Metatarsophalangeal Arthroplasty in Hallux Rigidus Arthrodesis for Hallux Rigidus The Philosophy of Surgical Success and Outcomes of Cartiva Versus Fusion Effect of Prior Cheilectomy on Outcomes of First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Fusion Surgical Management of Failed First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthroplasty
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