Trauma is a health problem that causes death or serious disability worldwide and is the leading cause of death in healthy young adults aged 1-44 years. The most common causes of trauma are traffic accidents, falls from height, and gunshot wounds. Approximately 50% of deaths in accidents occur within seconds and minutes. During this period, deaths occur due to laceration of the brain, brain stem, spinal cord, heart, aorta and great vessels. About 30% of deaths occur within minutes and the first few hours (the golden hour) after injury. Deaths occur during this period due to epidural or subdural haemorrhages, hemopneumothorax, splenic rupture, liver laceration, pelvic fractures, or other injuries that cause significant blood loss. The hours when the health personnel working in the emergency departments or ambulances can be most helpful to the patients are those who are brought in during the golden hour. For this reason, it is essential to know the approach to trauma as holistic and to conduct research on this subject. Our book offers a multidisciplinary approach to trauma patients. Our publication has covered the subject of trauma in a very wide area and was created by combining the latest developments with the experiences of specialist physicians. We think that it is a book that physicians and health personnel will often benefit from.